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Triple Diamond Construction is a licensed roofing company serving Oklahoma City, Moore, Norman, Yuko...more

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Designpluz has steadily matured from a passionate graphics design start-up, into a full service digi...more

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Author: Priyanka Verma
Displaying 41 to 50 of 52 articles < Back | Next >
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 Articles by Priyanka Verma 
41. Obama to meet top Silicon Valley officials
February 20, 2011

President Barack Obama will hold comprehensive talks with top Silicon Valley officials at San Francisco, on Thursday. These top officials include Apple CEO Steve Jobs, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, and Google CEO Eric Schmidt, confirmed White House.

White House reports said, “The Presi...

42. Israel's Pelephone offers fastest iPhone
February 20, 2011

It has been 50 years since laser was first invented by Theodore Maiman at Hughes Research Laboratories in the year 1960. Since then it has found numerous applications.

After 50 years laser has now met its match, the so-called anti-laser, which has been built at the Yale University.


43. Athletes vulnerable to skin diseases, say doctors
February 07, 2011

Dermatologists in the United States are now trying to educate sports athletes and their coaches about the common skin diseases that can occur due to bacteria, viruses and fungi and how they can prevent them.

In the annual meeting at the 69th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatol...

44. Researchers discover cause of age related macular degeneration
February 07, 2011

According to researchers, the discovery will help pave the way to finding a possible treatment that will halt the threat of blindness in the elderly.

Professor Mike Cheetham, head of molecular and cellular neuroscience at University of Liverpool, stated, "It's a potentially very important br...

45. Outdoor exercise more beneficial than gym
February 07, 2011

In a press statement, study co-author, Dr. Jo Thompson-Coon, research fellow at the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry in Britain, said, “The hypothesis that there are added beneficial effects to be gained from exercising in the natural environment is very appealing and has generated consid...

46. Drinking milk everyday can protect against cancer
February 07, 2011

The research has found that children who drink half-a-pint of milk every day are 40 percent less likely to suffer bowel cancer, commonly known as colorectal cancer, as adults. In the study, carried out by researchers in New Zealand, daily milk consumption showed a significant protective effect agai...

47. New iPhone app can detect skin cancer
February 07, 2011

Scientists have developed a novel gadget that converts the iPhone into a powerful medical tool to review skin cancers.

The wonder device named 'Handyscope' when plugged with an app into the Apple smartphone turns iPhone into a dermatascope, which doctors use to detect cancer.


48. Stress of household chores make blood pressure leap
January 17, 2011

Anxieties and pressures of running a household are equally bad for the heart, claims a new study.

According to researchers, the tensions of life are not dispelled when we wind up for the day and head home but tend to mount once we reach there.

Apart from dealing with the day-to-day s...

49. Drinking coffee lowers diabetes risk by over 50%
January 17, 2011

According to the study, published in current issue of the journal 'Diabetes,' women who drink three to four cups of coffee a day cut their risk of diabetes by 50 percent or more.

Hitherto studies have shown that coffee offers a protective effect against type 2 diabetes, but the real reason ...

50. Suicide risk greater at higher altitudes
January 17, 2011

There are a number of risk factors that put an individual at an increased risk of attempting or committing suicide, including mental illness, drug addiction, and socio-economic factors.

Contributing to those risk factors, a team of researchers suggested that residing at high altitudes could ...

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Rev Bresciani is the author of two Christian books. One book is an important and concisely written b...more

After 60-plus years of living, I am just trying to pass down some of the information that I have lea...more

Stevert Mckenzie, Travel Enthusiast. ...more

Author of four books and two screenplays; frequent magazine contributor. I have four other books "in...more

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At LeadGenerators, we specialise in content-led Online Marketing Strategies for our clients in the t...more

I am the editor of QUAY Magazine, a B2B publication based in the South West of the UK. I am also the...more

I'm an avid consumer of a smoothie a day living, herbs, vitamins and daily dose of exercise. I'm 60...more

Located in the lower mainland of B.C., Susan Friesen is a visionary brand strategist, entrepreneur, ...more

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