That word free is the most over used word in internet marketing. Because the appeal of something for nothing is universal, we all want ‘free stuff’, but here’s the thing, IT ISN’T FREE! I’m as guilty as anyone, you see my link “get your free EBook”, you click on it, and presto you have a download link to get an EBook on how to get free traffic. Hey, it’s a great tool, and you will find it helpful, but consider just what has your investment been? Okay, your investment hasn’t been money, no PayPal or credit card involved, but you have invested your time, and YOU’RE TIME IS VALUABLE. If you don’t think this is true, try getting a tradesman to give you his time for free! It won’t happen, because your tradesman knows exactly how much his time is worth - by the hour. So next time you click on something with the word free in it, consider how much is your time is worth? I don’t mean that you shouldn’t take advantage of these offers, after all getting traffic to your site can be an expensive item, and if you are just starting out chances are that money is in short supply, and even if you plan out your campaign, write your ad and set yourself up on Adwords, you still run the risk of being subject to the infamous “Google slap”, and watch all your hard earned investment wasted. I know, I’ve been there, and it hurts! So finding alternative methods that cost you time but not money are attractive, and there are a lot of them out there. Social pages, forums, safe lists and traffic exchanges to name a few, and these can all be effective and if used correctly can earn you an income, the secret is balancing your available time against the result. Have you got the time to read other peoples Emails in exchange for them reading yours? Is this an effective option? Will this bring traffic to your site? This is for you to decide. Whatever method you decide on, you need to be aware that everything has a cost. The cost might be just time and effort, and anything worthwhile will require at least this investment. Just ask yourself, is it worth it? My advice is to have a plan. Set out how much time you are willing to spend on any option and then stick to it. If you allow to spend say, 3 hours a day reading emails, or posting on forums, another 2 hours researching and writing articles, or just catching up with friends and associates on Faceplate or facebook , remember these activities are worth something. If you don’t follow your plan it’s the same as wasting money. It’s your choice, BUT IT ISN’T FREE!
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something for nothing, free stuff, your investment, bring traffic to your site, Adwords, Social pages, traffic exchanges, safe lists, facebook, facep,