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Motivation Articles and Ezines


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Showing 376 to 400 of 500 Articles in Motivation.
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376. Does Your Reputation Precede You Or Impede You?
August 27, 2013

Your reputation in business is very important for your career. In this article we are going to talk about how to create and maintain an impressive reputation. If you think that your reputation will remain at the company you just left, you are very wrong! In this day and age between social media and improved communications, your reputation will follow you throughout your career, so it is important to ensure that it is spotless. When corporate recruiters do a reference check on you, in addition to calling your references, they will contact their network who knows someone who is working ... (read more)

Author: jim stedt

377. Creating Synchronicity in Your Life
August 27, 2013

I believe that everything happens to us in our lives on some level as a result of our own making. On some level, either knowingly or unknowingly, we attract our destiny to ourselves. While I believe we can’t always control what happens to us, I believe we can control how we choose to respond or react to whatever happens to us and that makes all the difference. When we take “response ability” for everything that happens to us, we maintain power and control and come from a place of empowerment. Accepting “response ability” is not about accepting blame or fault for what happens. It simp... (read more)

Author: Linda Cattelan

378. Mind Power Techniques - The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind
August 26, 2013

Did you know that your subconscious mind is a powerful tool, and with the right mind power techniques, you can use it to mold you future? No, it isn’t about your skill sets or talents. Everything starts in the mind. There are many mind power techniques out there, but here is one in its very simplest form: if you believe you can achieve something, you are more likely to achieve it, whereas if you have seeds of doubt in your mind, you are more likely not to achieve that. What do you believe? If you have wrong beliefs, then you will need to get them out of your head before they affect y... (read more)

Author: Ewen Chia

379. "Keep Score": By Restaurant Expert Witness - Howard Cannon
August 26, 2013

Whether we are talking about pee-wee league soccer or the sales and profits of any restaurant business, the worst performances come from the teams that don’t keep score. It’s as simple as this: If you don’t keep score, your performance and growth and the performance and growth of your team will suffer, whether it is a game of basketball, a spelling test, a sales contest, or your restaurant struggling to control costs and increasing profits. The reality is that in our competitive society people like to be challenged, and they like the process of striving for and competing for the best results... (read more)

Author: Howard Cannon

380. Simple Life-changing Habits for Success
August 26, 2013

I’m sure everyone wants to be successful but the question is what simple changes can be done in our lives in order to achieve amazing results? We don’t need to make drastic changes all the time to achieve something great. Honestly it’s the simple things that matters the most. The simple habits, the daily routines, and even the attitude by which we look at things are among the basic factors that significantly affect how our life turns out to be. We hear it all the time that life is supposed to be enjoyed. You have to go easy. Yes it’s true. Finding time to enjoy and relax is necessary. ... (read more)

Author: Arjen ter Hoeve

381. Enrich your knowledge with the best motivational seminars
August 26, 2013

There are many times when you need to get some good motivation in order to improve both your professional as well as personal skills. So in this case you can try to look forward to different seminars that would help in providing the best motivation so that you can recharged. It is important because it also helps you to gain good confidence which improve your work. It also helps you to think out of the box and also make you get creative ideas as well. So it is your choice that you need to make in order to know how to get hold of the best one for you without any sort of problem. Look for th... (read more)

Author: William Voerman

382. Self Help Tips On How You Can Overcome Social Anxiety
August 25, 2013

Do you suffer from social anxiety. I have compiled a few self help tips and I would like you to have a look at them. I believe that they will help you fight social anxiety. Believe In Yourself The reason why people have social anxiety usually boils down to the lack of self belief. I want you to know that you are worth much more than you think you are. You were born a champion. Don’t think you are any more inferior to a champion. You were a champion as soon as you were conceived in your mother’s womb. Learn to walk it out by being confident in whatever you do. Also remember that other... (read more)

Author: Ewen Chia

383. Quit Smoking Program Videos As Effective Way Of Awareness
August 25, 2013

Smoking has become a major problem in our society. Smoking and tobacco is taking more lives than other diseases. This has become a major factor in the present times. The problem has acquired alarming proportions with more people getting addicted and succumbing to the habit. This is where the quit smoking program videos have come to the rescue. There are organizations that are engaged in creating high level of anti-tobacco awareness in the society. These organizations that are involved in uprooting the menace of tobacco from the society. This awareness and 'awakening' has caused much benefit to... (read more)

Author: tobac cofree

384. The Revelations Of Numerology Meanings Unveiled
August 23, 2013

Tip: When working out ones own numbers use your whole entire birth name; Numerology works best if you use the whole birth name. Even when, including your own self, you never ever apply that name in real life. In cases where you’re simply using a changed married name, do a profile using your married name and just have a chuckle exploring what the new name contributes to the over-all picture. Drilling Down Into The Numerology Meanings A lot of people believe that Numerology is a good path to finding out ones own lucky numbers and then leave the idea at that. Nonetheless, while numero... (read more)

Author: Chris Steadman

385. The Abundance Network
August 23, 2013

I was interviewed about my new audio program (The Abundance Paradigm) while in Chicago recording it. The host asked, “Joe, with the economy in the tank and sinking, what are we to do?” “How do you know it’s sinking?” I asked. “Where did you hear about it?” He seemed surprised by my questions. But I didn’t give him a chance to reply. I went on saying – “The only reason you think it’s terrible out there is because you are being programmed to think so by the mainstream media.” The host stared at me as I went on my soapbox and continued – “The media is trained to find bad ... (read more)

Author: Joe Vitale

386. Il cervello, si può allenare?
August 23, 2013

E' fuori discussione e tutti concordiamo sul fatto che il cervello sia "l'arma più potente" in dotazione al genere umano, ma pochi sanno che il cervello è un organo che si comporta come un muscolo, più lo alleni e meglio funziona. Il fatto è che sono poco conosciuti i programmi di allenamento e a scuola non ti spiegano come funziona la struttura del pensiero, i meccanismi che regolano la nostra mente, ma ti travasano ad imbuto solo informazioni, contenuti. D'altra parte, l'attuale sistema scolastico non può farlo, non ne ha le conoscenze. Oggi viene servito tutto pronto, dai quattro salti in p... (read more)

Author: Evolution Travel

387. Un piccolo gesto che fa la differenza
August 23, 2013

Non tutti sanno che da qualche anno Evolution Travel Italia, grazie all'iniziativa di alcuni Consulenti del Network, ha avviato un programma d'aiuto e solidarietà a supporto di alcuni progetti legati alla meta del viaggio dei propri clienti: Evolution Travel Friends. I progetti fino ad oggi sostenuti sono P.A.W.S., Stand Up For Jamaica e “Un po’ di Luce per Haiti”. Il primo, P.A.W.S, promosso dal Consulente di viaggi online Evolution Travel Roberto Armani, si occupa, in collaborazione con AFRICAT, della salvaguardia dei grandi felini a rischio estinzione in Africa, soprattutto ghepardi e leo... (read more)

Author: Evolution Travel

388. Con Evolution Travel alla scoperta di una terra magica
August 23, 2013

E' importante per gli addetti del settore turistico poter assaporare e conoscere da vicino questo meraviglioso paese e comprendere meglio cosa significhi viaggiare in India. E'importante e fondamentale capire realmente una realtà come quella indiana ma soprattutto di sfatare alcuni luoghi comuni che ancora oggi spaventano molti viaggiatori e penalizzano una destinazione che può essere visitata senza grosse difficoltà e lasciando a casa pregiudizi ormai superati e che fanno parte del passato. Bastano poche parole ed alcune considerazioni per far uscire quelle che sono le classiche idee sbagli... (read more)

Author: Evolution Travel

389. The Many Uses of Custom lapel pins
August 23, 2013

It is perhaps because of the versatility of customized lapel pins that they are such a big hit among government agencies, non-profit organizations, corporations, small-businesses, fraternities and sororities. Following are some of the prominent uses of custom lapel pins: Employee Recognition Custom made lapel pins are a cost effective way to motivate employees to work hard on a consistent basis. Pay raises and promotions in companies are scarce, selective and come by once every couple of years. Pins, on the other hand, can be passed out on a monthly basis to congratulate employees on... (read more)

Author: Lapelpins custom

390. Three Of The Best Self Improvement Tips
August 22, 2013

Do you constantly look for ways to grow and improve as a person? If you are, then we share the same passions. I love to find ways to grow and improve. Improving yourself is the most ideal way to grow. You will find fulfillment in life as you strive to become a better person. Check out three of the best self improvement tips that I have to offer. Let me begin my self improvement tips. The first thing I recommend you do is to shut out all negative thoughts. The more you entertain negative thoughts, the more pessimistic you will become, and that could affect the way you lead your daily life.... (read more)

Author: Ewen Chia

391. Perception Is Projection
August 22, 2013

Why is it that two people watching the same accident have two totally different accounts of what just occurred? They both saw the same accident-yet, they processed two very different versions. According to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in the book Flow: The Psychology Of Optimal Experience, we take in 2 million pieces of information per second, yet we can only process 134 bits per second. How then do we determine which 134 bits of information to focus on? We choose those 134 bits of information based on our values, beliefs, attitudes, past experiences, memories and how we process information. ... (read more)

Author: Linda Cattelan

392. Overcoming Mountains To Reach Your Goal
August 22, 2013

Ever wonder why goals seem so impossible to reach at times? Last month I travelled to Peru to hike the Inca Trail and visit Machu Picchu. It has been a personal goal of mine for some time to visit the ruins, hike the trail and to fully experience the country and its people. To hike the Inca Trail you have to be in good physical shape. Our trek was 42km over 4 days, which seems easy enough. However, climbing over 3 mountain passes at high altitudes reaching over 4200 meters above sea level at 60 degree inclines is no small feat, especially for an overweight middle aged woman. But, I ... (read more)

Author: Linda Cattelan

393. Self Help Tips On How To Deal With Anxiety
August 21, 2013

Are you having problems with anxiety? Anxiety is a problem that can be treated, both medically and holistically. Today I will be sharing with you some self help tips on how you can get rid of anxiety. To start off my self help tips, I want you to know that most of the time, anxiety is the result of having too many self centered thoughts. “I”, “Me”, “Mine” are common phrases we use in every day life, but if you are full of self occupation, you could end up really depressed. This usually happens when you realize that you are not perfect and you wish you were better. When that happens, take ... (read more)

Author: Ewen Chia

394. A Podium and Lectern Meeting Their Needs
August 20, 2013

At last, a lectern that fits their needs! Summit Lecterns provides an array of rostrum and podium styles and colors for their meeting needs. As discovered in Dallas, TX 75211, the classic podium with its black shell and laminated cherry wood insert has the ability to blend in and not be the focal point of the presentation. With the rounded, ergonomic corners, provides a stylish platform for the presenter. With the addition of Clear Sound Corp’s intelligible microphones and cables, the Summit Podium becomes the best pulpit platform for every venue in the Dallas, TX 75211 area. T... (read more)

Author: Billy Johnyson

395. Learn Three Self Improvement Tips On Improving Self Confidence
August 20, 2013

Do you have a desperate need to improve your self confidence? Stay tuned as I share these three self improvement tips on how you can do so. Every grown man and woman ought to be confident in his or her actions. However, I do know that not everyone may be confident. There could be a number of reasons for this. Some may have had bad experiences in the past and are still holding on to past hurts. Others may be lacking exposure and hence do not know how to be confident in some situations. Whatever the case may be, let us not judge them, but rather, help them to become more confident people in... (read more)

Author: Ewen Chia

396. Personal Development Training - How To Develop Your Resilience
August 19, 2013

Every human being will face stressful times. That is not a question. Today I have some personal development training on how you can develop your resilience. Being resilient means that you are able to bounce back from defeat or setbacks. Bad things may happen in life, but rather than regretting what you did, it is better to learn from your mistakes. You are bound to make mistakes in life, but how will you react to them? That is what really counts. To start off this personal development training, I would like to suggest that you learn to speak to yourself with positive affirmations. Po... (read more)

Author: Ewen Chia

397. Importance of Joining the Bellevue Baptist Church Family
August 18, 2013

The Christian Post reports reveals that the two largest Christian denominations in the US are the Baptists and Catholics. Among the largest Baptist churches is the Bellevue Baptist Church, led by Bellevue Pastor Dr. Steve Gaines. The church, which is located on 2000 Appling Road, Cordova, TN, is open to people from all walks of life seeking for fellowship in the Lord’s house. However, in addition to fellowship and worship, there are a number of other benefits of joining a church family. Let us take a look at some of them. Many Bellevue church-goers have built close, life-long friendships ... (read more)

Author: Charlie Byrne

398. Three Self Improvement Tips On How To Become More Productive
August 18, 2013

Do you find yourself struggling to be productive at work? I hope these three self improvement tips on how you can become more productive. At the end of this article, I hope you will have a better understanding of this topic, so without further ado, let me dive right in! The first step you ought to take is to set your goals. Goal setting should be the first thing you do when you are given tasks to do. Ask yourself the following questions. What do you want to achieve from this task? What are you aiming for? Another benefit of setting your goals is that these goals can help steer you in the ... (read more)

Author: Ewen Chia

399. One Simple Question to Help You Achieve Your Goals
August 18, 2013

Quite often we come up with ideas or are presented with opportunities that light us up. Just the very thought of them gives us a buzz – our imagination starts to go wild at the possibilities or the doors that could be opened as a result. These ideas or opportunities are not limited to one area of life either. They could be in your personal life, your work life, something to do with friends, family, your spouse, your children or a thousand other things. When these opportunities come knocking, what’s your strategy? How do you size it up? What measures do you put in place so that when pursuing ... (read more)

Author: Youarn Bell

400. You Clench The Lectern, Knuckles White, As The Audience Becomes
August 18, 2013

Over the years Mr Vass received a number of anonymous communications from those who held the lectern. The "kidnappers" laid down two conditions before the Dunked podium would be released. These were that it was to stay in Scotland, and that no action would be taken to find and prosecute those responsible. St Stephen's parish made an offer that should the rostrum be forthcoming, the parish would see that it was returned to Scotland. Now, you can see your way clear to the pulpit. The closer you get, the more nervous you feel. Not to worry, I have a theatre secret for you. Ever wonder how ac... (read more)

Author: Billy Johnyson

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