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Designpluz has steadily matured from a passionate graphics design start-up, into a full service digi...more

I am an essay writer with vast experience in data analysis, PowerPoint writing and research paper ed...more

I am a passionate article and blog writer based in South Africa. With a love for life and a strong d...more

The venture glorifies your life with the essence of sumptuous features that carries you in the world...more

Sunny Nash is the award-winning American author of Bigmama Didn’t Shop At Woolworth’s, recognized by...more

Author: Meredith McMurtrie
Displaying 1 to 10 of 25 articles Next >
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 Articles by Meredith McMurtrie 
1. How to Make Your Dog the Happiest Pup on the Block
November 24, 2012

They say that dogs are man's best friend, and anyone who has owned a dog themselves will be able to appreciate this statement and what it's like to have their own furry best pal. While that's a given though, it's important to make sure that dogs aren't just our best friends, but that we are their be...

2. The Four Most Common Worms Found In Pets
October 01, 2012

Worms are horrible parasitic creatures that cause most of us to cringe at their very mention. Not only do they look disgusting, but the idea that they can live in our pets stomachs is a highly off putting prospect, and particularly when you bear in mind that they can be harmful to humans in some ca...

3. Summer Flea Prevention Tips for Pets
October 01, 2012

Pets love the summer almost as much as we do. This is a great opportunity for them to get more walks, to spend more time outside and to bask in the sun as it breaks through the window. Dogs and cats weren't designed to be cooped up in doors, and that's why they love it when the sun comes out and th...

4. Protect Your Dog With Worming Tablets
August 09, 2012

Worms can be a serious problem for dogs and are a common issue that they can get from all of the horrible things that they eat off of the floor while you're on walks. You might think that your dog is safe from worms with their lifestyle, but when they run into the bush to use the little puppy's room...

5. Top 5 Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas
July 19, 2012

Dog fleas are pests that should be eliminated as soon as possible. Their presence threatens not only the health of dogs but humans as well. If you have a dog and he is suffering from fleas, the following are the things that you need to do:

• Give your pet a regular bath - A bath once a week ...

6. Top 3 Benefits Of Drontal For Dogs
July 18, 2012

If you are an animal lover and you have a dog then perhaps you would do anything for its safety and welfare. Well, there is a product on the market that is called Drontal for dogs. Basically, this product consists of some tablets that will help your dog get rid of intestinal parasites and worms. Thi...

7. The Healthiest Pet Food Options
June 01, 2012

Just like humans, animals need good diets so that they can live long healthy lives. If you care about your four legged friend, you have to ensure that you find the best food options for them. The pets tend to thrive and they do not get sick often, when they eat healthy meals. Pets like cats and dogs...

8. The Leading Cat Flea Prevention Brands
May 15, 2012

If you have a feline companion then it's your responsibility to protect them from fleas. Fleas are known for itching, and for that reason you might well be forgiven for thinking that they are just something of an irritation for your pet. However it's important to recognize that they are more than a...

9. Sasha's Blend for dogs
April 23, 2012

Your dog would most likely eat anything, but that certainly doesn't mean that they are invulnerable, and it's very important that you make sure they get everything they need through their diet – and if necessary through supplementation. Sasha's Blend is a long term health treatment that is designed ...

10. Advantix flea products
March 01, 2012

Advantix flea products are a great way to help rid your dogs of fleas and as your best friend's owner its highly important to make sure that you take the time and effort to do so and to ensure your pet is healthy and happy. Fleas are one of the most common pests that can affect your dogs and when t...

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After 60-plus years of living, I am just trying to pass down some of the information that I have lea...more

Stevert Mckenzie, Travel Enthusiast. ...more

Author of four books and two screenplays; frequent magazine contributor. I have four other books "in...more

For more articles, blog messages & videos and a free e-book download go to your p...more

At LeadGenerators, we specialise in content-led Online Marketing Strategies for our clients in the t...more

I am the editor of QUAY Magazine, a B2B publication based in the South West of the UK. I am also the...more

I'm an avid consumer of a smoothie a day living, herbs, vitamins and daily dose of exercise. I'm 60...more

Located in the lower mainland of B.C., Susan Friesen is a visionary brand strategist, entrepreneur, ...more

I have been involved in nutrition and weight management for over 12 years and I like to share my kn...more

Steve Bye is currently a fiction writer, who published his first novel, ‘Looking Forward Through the...more

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