Dog fleas are pests that should be eliminated as soon as possible. Their presence threatens not only the health of dogs but humans as well. If you have a dog and he is suffering from fleas, the following are the things that you need to do: • Give your pet a regular bath - A bath once a week can prevent your dog from contracting fleas. But if your dog's body has already been considered as home by a swarm of fleas, you should bathe your pet every day until all those pests are gone. When bathing your dog, it is very ideal to wash the neck first. It is the most ideal place for fleas to reside. Of course, you should also use flea shampoos. These shampoos can kill fleas and keep your dog smelling fresh at the same time. • Use a flea-killing product - There are chemicals out there that you could apply directly on the coat of your pet. Such chemicals have to be applied regularly until there is no sign of a single flea. Be cautious when shopping for flea-killing products. Make sure that your dog is not allergic to the chemical contents before you use them. Before using or even purchasing new flea-killing products, it is very ideal to consult your veterinarian first. You might want to try out those oral products that can also help you get rid of fleas. • Keep your house flea-free - You will have a hard time getting rid of fleas on your dogs if your house is infested with fleas. In order to keep your house free from these pets, you should always keep furniture clean. These are the places where fleas usually linger. Wash the beddings in your house regularly. This includes the bedding of your pet as well. If you have a carpeted floor, clean it with a vacuum cleaner once or twice a week. While cleaning your home, you might want to keep your dog out especially if he still has not taken a bath yet. You can purchase those flea collars that could be attached to vacuum cleaners. These things kill all the fleas which have been sucked. Once dead, you would not have to worry about them anymore, don't you? • Keep your lawn trimmed - Do not let grass around your house grow too much. This is because fleas usually lay their eggs on these leaves. If you keep your grass trimmed, the eggs will be exposed to sunlight and they will be ultimately destroyed. You might want to use pesticides on the parts that do not get enough sunlight. • Use a flea repellant - You might want to use a flea repellant on your dog especially if you plan to go outside. Taking your dog to get a dose of sunshine is not bad. However, when you go outside and take a walk, your dog will get exposed to fleas. You never know where these pests linger. By using a flea repellant, your dog will never contract fleas outdoors. Of course another form of flea prevention is medications such as frontline plus, or different brands like confortis.
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