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Showing 151 to 175 of 500 Articles in Research.
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151. Is Your Vehicle on the Airbag Recall List?
June 18, 2015

It has been a number of months since the news was laden with reports about faulty airbags. After some investigative work it was discovered that the Takata Corporation had been supplying airbags to auto manufacturers that were defective. The deception ran deep in that some of the auto makers knew about the problem, but decided the cost of a recall was more expensive than the cost of a cover-up. When the news finally hit, it was a huge blow to these companies. Takata Airbags Takata Corporation is a huge Japanese company that makes safety equipment for various vehicle brands. Thei... (read more)

Author: Scott Sery

152. Antibiotic Drugs Can Lead to Peripheral Neuropathy
June 17, 2015

Many people understand the basics about the nervous system. They know that there is a central nervous system that connects the whole body together and relays messages to the brain. However, the central nervous system is only one component of the overall nervous system. In fact, there is also the peripheral nervous system that connects the extremities to the central nervous system which then connect things to the brain. Nerve damage is likely to occur in the peripheral nervous system. That nerve damage can happen a number of ways. Physical trauma is a big cause of nerve damage. In fa... (read more)

Author: Scott Sery

153. Taking Invega Increases the Body's Production of Prolactin
June 16, 2015

Invega is a popular antipsychotic drug. It works remarkably well to help balance out the thought patterns of those suffering from bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, ADD/ADHD, and many other disorders. It has been prescribed millions of times, and has helped a great number of people. This drug, however, was marketed as though it were entirely safe. The fact is that it causes an increase in the levels of prolactin in the body: which could have drastic effects. What is Prolactin? Prolactin is a naturally occurring hormone. The problem occurs when the levels of prolactin increase dramat... (read more)

Author: Scott Sery

154. Androderm Testosterone Supplement May Put Your Life at Risk
June 08, 2015

As men grow older, their testosterone levels naturally decrease. This leaves them feeling winded more easily, with less strength, gaining weight around the mid section, and a decreased libido. These feelings drive them to their doctors, and after a short visit the doctor generally prescribes a testosterone supplement drug . These drugs help to revive and recharge the individual, but it comes at a cost. All drugs come with side effects. There is just no way of putting a foreign substance into your body and expecting it to only do exactly what it was designed to do. This is why there... (read more)

Author: Scott Sery

155. Fracking Increases Triple Tragedy Accidents
June 05, 2015

There is no denying that fracking has had a major impact on the economy, the environment, and the people that live in the area. It has provided a lot of great jobs for people that want to work hard and make a lot of money. It has also, however, drastically changed the socio-economic status of many areas. One of the problems is that the surge in population has causes many more accidents. Some of these accidents are triple tragedy accidents. A Triple Tragedy Motor vehicle accidents are categorized depending on their severity. If you bump into someone, it’s just a fender bender. ... (read more)

Author: Scott Sery

156. 1993 Saw Huge Advancements in Psychosis Treatment
June 03, 2015

Back in 1993 the way psychosis is treated was revolutionized. Prior to this time doctors only had access to typical antipsychotics, those are drugs that only help to control the dopamine levels in the brain but don’t control serotonin levels; or they could use an atypical antipsychotic that had such severe side effects it was rarely ever used. But in 1993, the pharmaceutical market saw Risperdal hit the shelves. And treatment was revolutionized. For the first years this drug was only approved to treat adults with schizophrenia. It was not approved for those under 18 years of age, and ... (read more)

Author: Scott Sery

157. How to Get the Most out of Your Work Experience
June 03, 2015

The job market has certainly become very tight these days, and it seems that you have to have experience in all sorts of things before you will be offered a position. For this reason, unpaid internships and work experience positions are cropping up all over the place. The problem is, just because you have been taken on as an intern, it does not mean that you will actually learn the things that you need for your real job. You may learn how the boss likes his coffee taken, but when you head to a new workplace, their processes may all be different. So how do you make work experience count? Th... (read more)

Author: Jufcy Infographics

158. Your Migraine Medication May Cause Birth Defects
May 29, 2015

Those who suffer from migraine headaches know that controlling their condition is the best way to stay happy and healthy. For some it is as simple as watching what they eat and avoiding trigger foods. For others, it is using medication that will help reduce the frequency and duration of their migraine headache attacks. What many people don’t know, however, is that using migraine medication can have some very serious side effects. Topamax can Lead to Birth Defects The popular migraine medication Topamax has been known to lead to serious birth defects. Despite the evidence that... (read more)

Author: Scott Sery

159. Talcum Powder Increase Risk of Ovarian Cancer
May 25, 2015

Talcum powder has been used for decades because of its incredible astringent properties. Millions of parents have used it on their babies’ bottoms in order to prevent diaper rash, and millions of women have used it in their own genital application in order to reduce chafing and discomfort. This product, however, comes with some serious side effects. When used in a genital application habitually (that is every day for years on end), talcum powder can lead to an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer. This problem has been known for many years, but there are still no warnings requi... (read more)

Author: Scott Sery

160. Are Intrauterine Devices Safe?
May 18, 2015

Birth control initially hit the market in the early 1960’s. It was a huge medical advancement, and since then companies have been trying to find a way to allow an individual to use the birth control, but not to worry about taking a pill every day. There have been patches, discs, shots, and other ideas that hit the market and then disappeared from the market. One of those ideas, that pops up every few years, is an intrauterine device, known as an IUD . History of IUD’s Perhaps the oldest IUD known is the Saf-T-Coil. This device was sold for nearly 20 years starting in 1965, and... (read more)

Author: Scott Sery

161. There is no Reversal Agent for Xarelto
May 15, 2015

Those who are at risk of blood clots know that without a blood thinner medication, they could end up suffering from a stroke. A rogue blood clot could end their life without notice. To reduce that risk, they take a drug like Coumadin or Xarelto. Unfortunately, that choice could also end up costing them their life. Coumadin has been around for over half a century. It was developed to be an anti-coagulant, and it has worked remarkably well for those who need it. The biggest issue, however, is that those on Coumadin have to keep going in for regular blood tests. The drug is hard to ... (read more)

Author: Scott Sery

162. Jack the Ripper Map of Whitechapel & Spitalfields 1888
May 12, 2015

Jack the Ripper was a person of almost mythical stature who stills haunts us today. Many authors have tried to uncover his identity without success. In addition to this, no-one has managed to explain the terrible motive behind his hideous murders and why they ceased so abruptly. What is the identity of the man, known as Jack the Ripper, who, towards the end of the nineteenth century, held the entire East End of London, England, in the grip of unparalleled terror. And what of Spitalfields and Whitechapel, his killing ground? The squalid streets, alley-ways, doss-houses, public houses and ... (read more)

Author: Geoff Cooper

163. The Link Between Risperdal and Gynecomastia
April 29, 2015

In 1993 the way we treat mental illness was revolutionized. Until this point the only drugs that were available were typical antipsychotics (those that only treat the serotonin or dopamine levels in the body, but not both), and there was one atypical antipsychotic (a drug that helped manage both the serotonin and dopamine levels), but it had the dangerous side effect of lowering one’s white blood cell count. In 1993 the drug Risperdal hit the market. As an atypical antipsychotic it worked fantastically well, but it didn’t have the potentially deadly side effects that its precursor had. ... (read more)

Author: Scott Sery

164. Clomid May Cause Birth Defects
April 28, 2015

In the 1960’s a drug hit the market that was designed to help those who suffered from irregular menstrual cycles. This drug helped to even things out, and one unintended benefit was that women who were struggling to become pregnant could now do so with much greater ease. Thus the drug became known as a fertility drug. Over the years this drug has helped countless women to conceive, and to bear children when they thought they would never be able to do so. It has brought in a lot of money for the drug maker and marketer, and unfortunately it has caused a lot of sorrow for those who take ... (read more)

Author: Scott Sery

165. Nicotine from passive exposure to aerosols from electronic cigarettes - a short presentation of Flouris et al (2013) and Ballbar et al (2014)
April 25, 2015

The dangers of passive exposure to aerosols from electronic cigarettes is one of the factors considered in connection with electronic cigarettes, WHO believes pr. date, that passive exposure to aerosols from electronic cigarettes involves health risks. They recommend on this basis that electronic cigarettes should not be allowed to be used indoors, and that they are more or less regulated as regular cigarettes. The potential health effects of passive smoking of electronic cigarettes can be linked to various substances in the aerosol and are typical associated with hazards related to expo... (read more)

Author: Arne Johannessen

166. Nikotin fra passiv eksponering til aerosol fra elektroniske sigaretter - en kort presentasjon av Fl
April 25, 2015

Farer ved passiv eksponering til aerosol fra elektroniske sigaretter er et av momentene som vurderes i forbindelse med elektroniske sigaretter, WHO mener for eksempel pr. dags dato, at passiv eksponering til aerosol fra elektroniske sigaretter innebærer helserisiko. De anbefaler på dette grunnlag at elektroniske sigaretter ikke bør tillates brukt innendørs og at de mer eller mindre reguleres som vanlige sigaretter. De eventuelle helseskadene fra den passive røykingen av elektroniske sigaretter kan knyttes til forskjellige stoffer i aerosolen, og gjelder typisk farer knyttet til eksponerin... (read more)

Author: Arne Johannessen

167. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome can be Caused by Onfi
April 17, 2015

Most people do not have to worry about the skin condition known as Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS). But those who do have a lot to worry about. This condition is debilitating, painful, and can be fatal if left untreated. Worst of all, there are drugs that seek to provide relief to one condition but can cause this other. What is Onfi? Onfi is a drug specifically designed to treat those who suffer from epileptic seizures. This drug was made and developed in Europe, and it wasn’t until 2011, several decades after the drug was developed, that it came to the US. In just 2 years the ... (read more)

Author: Scott Sery

168. Shopping Online at a Reliable and Reputable Online Stores
April 17, 2015

In these days of Internet and computers most of the folks would rather purchase products online instead of experiencing the hassles of active and crowded market place. Shopping online should be performed at some reliable and reputable online stores in order to prevent unpleasant encounters. Popularity of online shopping is growing and all over the world it is showing an upward tendency. What formerly was the domain name of only developed markets has now expanded to developing and underdeveloped economies as well with huge growth of the information technology experienced during the last fe... (read more)

Author: narjeet kumar

169. Healthy Lungs Love Green Vegetables: Here's Why!
April 14, 2015

Just like breathing, it's easy to take your lungs for granted. It doesn't matter that they're your heart's best friend . . . or that they are a major part of your immune system . . . We tend not to think about these two air sacs that bring in all the oxygen we need to keep going. Let's change that . . . starting with how we eat. Your lungs are two reasons to eat more greens. Here's why: How Broccoli Gives You Healthy Lungs You’ve heard it from your mom and now I’m saying it, too . . . Eat your broccoli . . . as well as your kale, cauliflower, cabbage and kohl... (read more)

Author: Michael E Rosenbaum, MD

170. Are Long Lasting Birth Controls Worth the Risk?
April 13, 2015

Are Long Lasting Birth Controls Worth the Risk? Many women would like to have the protection that comes with birth control, but they are not thrilled about taking a pill every day. There is the chance they might miss a day and it upsets their entire cycle, and the hormonal changes make some feel so off kilter they would rather go without. There are a few different long lasting birth controls that they can try, one of which is the intrauterine device (IUD). What is an Intrauterine Device? IUD’s are nothing new to the market. In fact, they have been experimented with, changed, an... (read more)

Author: Scott Sery

171. The Pros and Cons of Antipsychotic Medication
April 13, 2015

The treatment of mental illness has come a long way in the past century. Those suffering from schizophrenia were once locked away in asylums and “treated” with electro-shock therapy, lobotomies, or locked away in padded rooms wearing strait jackets; they are now able to find help with medication that actually controls the chemical imbalance in the brain. This has allows them to return to society and nobody is the wiser. Antipsychotic Medication There are two distinct forms of anti-psychotic medications. There are the first generation meds, often call typical antipsychotics, and ... (read more)

Author: Scott Sery

172. KwikFind - The SA Wedding and Jewelery Directory
April 13, 2015

KwikFind is a directory of premium wedding service providers including wedding planners / coordinators, wedding venues, wedding products & wedding jewellery. Wedding service providers must be screened whilst performing research around your needs, requirements, budget, quality and service provider availability. The KwikFind Wedding & Jewelry Listing has brought an enormous variety of wedding service providers, venues and products together to make your wedding dreams come true. The simplicity of the KwikFind listing helps make locating your wedding vendor quick and is perfect if... (read more)

Author: Patrick Pac

173. Preventing Blood Clots After Surgery
April 10, 2015

Every year thousands of people have major surgery. These surgeries help to alleviate pain, replace worn out parts, and save lives. After surgeries like knee or hip replacements, the patient can’t move around quite as well for a while. Because they will be sitting and lying for so long they run the risk of developing blood clots. These clots could travel to the lungs and cause pulmonary embolism, they could travel to the heart and cause a heart attack, or they could travel to the brain and cause a stroke. The good news is that medicine has advanced far enough to be able to prevent this. ... (read more)

Author: Scott Sery

174. Don't Forget To Have An Inventory Carried Out For Your Milton Keynes Property
April 10, 2015

You will have much to think about as a landlord trying to let a Milton Keynes property. Not only is there the process of purchasing such a property to get right, but you are also likely to need to arrange the most suitable buy-to-let mortgage and get as many viewings as possible. Then will come the negotiations with tenants and the subsequent management of the letting. Where does a property inventory come into all of this? What even is an inventory? The answer is that an inventory constitutes a historic snapshot of your property's condition that could be invaluable come the end of a tena... (read more)

Author: Smith Lara

175. Males Treated for ADHD with Invega May Experience Breast Growth
April 08, 2015

In the early 1990’s the treatment of mental illnesses was revolutionized. The drug Risperdal hit the market and was a highly effective way of controlling both the serotonin and dopamine receptors. Until this time there was only one drug that was able to accomplish this, and it came with some deadly side effects. Risperdal was used to treat a wide variety of mental illnesses, even though it was originally only approved to treat schizophrenia in adults. Over time the patent was beginning to run out on the drug, so a new drug was “invented.” This new drug, called Invega, is just a metabo... (read more)

Author: Scott Sery

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