Do you have a job that requires prolonged sitting at your desk, clicking onto that dreadful mouse? Spending hours at a desk bound job without being able to walk around and stretch your muscles can cause pain in your body. Do you frequently feel a tight and burning sensation at your shoulder whenever you click on the mouse? Patients always have the wrong impression that if they sit ergonomically, they will not suffer from these injuries. However, even if the keyboard and screen are arranged in an ergonomically way, the position of the mouse can cause havoc if it is incorrectly placed. The very first thing you should do is to eliminate the cause of the pain. And that is to reach for the power socket, remove the cable and dump the entire CPU into the nearest bin. But since you are 99.99% unable to do that, you should look at the second option and that is to perform strengthening exercises with the help of free weights. Upper back stretch Stretching is an excellent way to help relieve mouse shoulder. Although it cannot strengthen the back muscles, it helps to loosen the stiffness and the pressure that was built up in that area. The benefit of stretching is that it can be performed anywhere, anytime, even in the comfort or your office. You will need to lie down on your stomach preferably on a yoga mat. Slowly lift your head and legs off the mat while stretching your hands behind your back. You will be able to feel intense stretching at your back. Hold in the position for 10 seconds and repeat for 3 sets of 15. You should aim to perform this every other hour when possible. Shoulder shrugs Shoulder shrugs are an excellent exercise to help strengthen the upper shoulder muscles. Hold the free weights with both hands and shrug your shoulders in an upwards direction, hold for 3 seconds and return back to the starting position. Strong upper shoulder muscles can resist tearing and straining. Repeat for 3 sets of 12 repetitions. Dumbbell rows The main difference between a dumbbell rows from a normal row is the muscle group that it engages. Dumbbell rows actively work the upper back muscles to strengthen and tone it. Stand straight with hands legs shoulder width apart. Holding the weights in both hands, stretch your hands perpendicular to the ground out to the sides until it is 90 degrees. Repeat this exercise for 3 sets of 15s. Mouse shoulder is extremely common to office ladies (OL) due to the long hours of being at the desk. Although the position of the monitor screen and keyboard seems alright, as long as the mouse is at a different level as the keyboard, something will go wrong. We introduce you Singapore Sports and Orthopaedics Clinic where professional help will be offered in the areas of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation for all spine injuries and sports injuries.
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Exercise, Mouse Shoulder, Shoulder Injuries, Back Pain, Back Muscles, Orthopaedic Condition,