Take a look around you. Now tell me what you see. Do you see the tall buildings? How about the influx of establishments both here and there? Or the ever growing number of your neighbors? Lastly, have you seen how advanced our technology are now these days? Well if you do, then you pretty much understand that the world is continuously evolving. Surely, the world’s evolution – involving all of its material and non-material aspects – is one complicated process. Nevertheless, this evolution has brought two things for us. One of course, would be the positive effect. With the recent and continuous improvement on technologies involving everyday living, most especially communication, more and more people are finding the easy life with just a click from their individual gadgets. One great example of this would be on the social networking site Facebook: with just a few clicks and names, you can trace your classmates from high school, even elementary! Moreover, it lets users communicate with almost anyone on the internet in a blitz! Of course, there are other social networking sites that also let you do the same, but hey, no one can ever topple Facebook when it comes to popularity. But of course, there’s always the negative effect – the fact that more and more people are forgetting that they should have healthy foods to eat. This is partly because of the fact that more and more women are now seeking for employment, just like their husbands; in this setting, the children, and the parents also, are most likely to just settle for fast food chains and get their “three meals a day” there. Obviously, they will not be fed with nutritious food in there; what’s more is that they’ll only grow obese or develop certain illnesses, like hepatitis perhaps. Because of such a setting between family members, the utilization of a healthy shopping list has long been buried, together with the remnants of the past technologies. According to a non-profit organization in the US, 45 % of children aged 4-9 are eating unhealthy food; furthermore, there has been a projected number of about 25 % of the same age range suffer from either obesity of malnutrition. If the guilty ones would be saying that their busy schedule is the one at fault, then why not learn how to become a vegetarian? Surely, preparing vegetables is quite easy and fast to do: at its simplest, you can just wash the veggies thoroughly and eat them as they are. Of course, if you’re on the ad venturous side of life, then try some awesome dips like salsa or chili con carne, or anything that you may want! Truly, if one just take their time and think of their healthy eating choices, it’s not that hard of a task to do.
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healthy foods to eat, healthy shopping list, how to become a vegetarian,