This post is about our other dog named Jovikdd, a Pit Bull Terrier breed of dog. A dog of strength, passion, and undying willingness. Pit Bulls are known to be quite strong and very muscular. It has always been mistaken that these dogs are people-hater and even worse, people-eater. What most of the people don't know is these dogs are good-natured, humorous, very loyal and a very affectionate family dog. They are very eager in pleasing their masters. Although they have their purely natural tendencies in attacking towards other dogs or animals particularly when it is not raised along with them, that is their way of showing that they're always prepared to guard their masters. These pets are among the most smart guard dogs. Even though they can be friendly to humans, it can also sense when something has got wrong. Pits are highly defensive for their owners and will fight an enemy to death. They're generally healthy however some of them are vulnerable to grass allergies and congenital coronary disease. Pits usually live up to 12 years. Our Pit Bull was raised properly, and in return it also treats us well. He always knows how to obey. Whenever he barks to someone or something, he instantly shuts up whenever we say the word no. When he was young, we sent him to the veterinarian and had his ears and tail cropped. Our Pit have been greatly valuable to us. I could still remember how I use to give him a good walk in the sidewalk or at the park. I still actually want to do it today, sadly our pet is now too big for someone as thin as me to handle. I can also clearly remember the way we let him sleep each night at our couch. The way he makes funny snore whenever he's asleep and how he sits at the lap of our visitors. When Jovikdd reached 5 months, he got a whole lot larger, tougher and weightier. He could then drag our sofa when he walks inside our house. Until such time our couch nearly collapsed. So we made a decision to put up a cage for him outside and feel that it's already time for him to behave like a real dog- a guard dog. Until now he still does not fail on protecting our house and keeping us safe. There is one time when my dad slept at our van which is parked outside our house. Before going in the van, he told Jovikdd to protect him. Later on that night, we could hear our pet barking nonstop. In the morning, my father told us that there was someone standing near the van. Only to find out it was a drunken man peeing at the tires. We laughed as we heard the story and at the same time felt so guarded by our pet. Regardless of whether our pet was wrong or right regarding its behavioral instinct, he still made all of us proud and fortunate enough having this kind of very loyal Pit Bull pet. For more interesting articles, please visit
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guard dog, loyal, man's best friend, pit bull, pit bull dogs, pit bull terrier,