Have you tried out some of the best belly exercises for women before but nothing seem to be as effective? May be you should understand that exercise on its own will not help you get back in shape. And the other things include your diet, your lifestyle, all these things cannot be ignored if you want a healthy body. Why does one get those love handles, have you ever asked that question before getting to the exercises? Are the reasons the same when it comes to men and women? Though most of the reasons are the same, there are few other things that you need to be aware of. One important reason is that the metabolism starts to slow down as one starts to age which results in the accumulation of body fat. But then slowing of metabolism is not the only reason for the best belly exercises for women not working, there are other factors as well. Menopause and hormonal changes, which men do not have to deal with much, are other reasons for the tummy fat in women. So what are the best belly exercises for women that you can try out as part of your exercise routine? Here are some that you can try out. A good exercises for your entire abs, including the side abs, is the Bicycle crunch that can be used for any fitness level. Pelvic lifts and Tilts are other effective workouts for your entire abdomen, and that includes your lower abs as well. Best thing is that both these exercises don't need any external equipment, just your body is enough. But you can use something known as the exercise ball to get more variation in your exercise. You can have many variations using the Exercise ball for your entire abs, including lower, upper and side abs. If you have been thinking of starting your exercise routine, then in addition to being regular you also need to take care of your diet. Feel free to use some or all of these best belly exercises for women in your workout schedule. For great information on Best abdominal exercises for women, visit http://www.exercisebellyfat.com
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