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Spiritual Articles and Ezines


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Showing 51 to 75 of 500 Articles in Spiritual.
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51. There Are "Know" Problems In Churches Today...
June 04, 2022

There Are "Know" Problems In Churches Today... I want to make this abundantly clear, I do not know the Bible cover to cover. Matter of fact, the more of the Bible that I think I know, I somehow don't. I see something new from God's word that disputes the parts that I thought I knew in the first place. I guess that is why Isaiah 28:9-13 is in the Bible. Because when you thought you have something the way that it was supposed to be, you find in another part of the Bible it says something arbitrary to your thoughts. Thank the Lord, that is the way that it is supposed to be when you study God's w... (read more)

Author: Robert Howard

52. Sexual Healing for Christians, Leaders, and Pastors: Put an End to Intense Unmet Sexual Desires
May 28, 2022

The enemy is attacking Christian women, and men especially in the area of sexuality. The biggest attack is against leaders and pastors. There are a number of possible ways to quit pornography and get sexual healing, however, not all prayers work. Some people, who have a sexual habit they want to stop, simply pray something like, “God, take away this habit,” or “God make me stop this habit.” This way of praying does not work. You need particular words to liberate you. This article is one particular way I found that is effective and permanent. However, I do not know if ... (read more)

Author: Wilma Melendez

53. Get Rid of Evil Spirit and Demonic Possession
May 16, 2022

The perception that demonic oppression exists and might own human beings is of route the stuff of fiction and horror films — however it's also one of the maximums widely-held spiritual ideals withinside the world. Most religions declare that human beings may be possessed through demonic spirits (the Bible, for example, recounts six times of Jesus casting out demons), and provide exorcisms to treatment this threat. How to get rid of demonic possession? The concept that invading evil spirit possession are inherently evil is essentially a Judeo-Christian concept; many faiths and percep... (read more)

Author: John Edward

54. A Prayer for Ukraine
April 13, 2022

Creator, the only God there is, Lord Jesus, who is just to forgive all our sins, Holy Spirit, our help; we adore You (Genesis 1-2) (1 John 1:9) (Matthew 28:19) (Psalm 34:1-4). We call upon you because you are God, who does not delight when wicked people rule over the land allotted to the righteous (Psalm 46:10 (Psalm 125:3). I ask You to save Ukraine. You said, that if there were ten just people, you would spare the whole place for their sake (Genesis 18:26). There are many people there, who are made justified by the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus because they believe in you. These... (read more)

Author: W M

55. Karma Doesn't Work How Most People Think It Does
March 25, 2022

Karma works in a way most people aren’t familiar with. It is not simply retribution for bad deeds. Eastern traditions have a complex view on how karma affects our life; it views it as a part of a cycle of birth and rebirth. Our actions and intentions can influence karma, which can be both positive and negative. The news of Donald Trump getting sick with Covid-19 caused the word ‘karma’ to trend on social media. The former American President downplayed the virus, openly ridiculed the practice of wearing masks, spread misinformation and organized super spreader events for thousands of f... (read more)

Author: Nikunj Verma

56. Can Karmic Relationships Last?
March 04, 2022

All of us want to experience a once-in-a-lifetime romantic journey and not just simply fall in love. Our relationships are constantly evolving with time and only a few of us can tell the difference between karmic, soulmate and twin-flame relationships. The fact of the matter is that none of these relationships are superior or inferior. They each have the potential to teach us very important life lessons that we need to learn in the different phases of our lives. Some people may never have the chance to explore any of these connections whereas some others may find the opportunity to explore all... (read more)

Author: Nikunj Verma

57. A Plan of action for the Overwhelmed
January 10, 2022

You could be hard pressed to find someone over the age of 10 that hasn’t felt a little overwhelmed at some point in their life. Some people are more overwhelmed than others, but the impact and emotions remain the same. It can be a bit of a challenge to stay focused on finding solutions. However, focus and a plan of action can solve most problematic situations in your life. Some people are more prone to worry and end up doing silly things to make ourselves feel better. This doesn’t determine the results, it just avoids it temporarily. Try these steps to creating a plan, going fr... (read more)

Author: Donnie Lewis

58. How to Break a Negative Habit One Day at a Time
November 22, 2021

Unless you're perfect, you probably have a habit that drives you or others nuts. The conflicting nature of bad habits makes them difficult to overcome. What is your bad habit? Typically, the top bad habits we indulge in are eating unhealthy foods, smoking, using chewing tobacco, lying on the sofa instead of exercising, and nail-biting. The good news is, however, that whatever negative habit you have, you have the power to change it if you want to. Consider these strategies for inspiration to break your negative habit now: 1. Avoid getting overwhelmed. Realize your goal now... (read more)

Author: Donnie Lewis

59. How to Find the Perfect Life Coach
February 15, 2021

Coaching is a powerful method of achieving the next level in all areas of life---including physical health, mental/emotional health, spiritual development, career/business, family relationships and romantic relationships. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world are investing in themselves with coaching/healing services. The investment is sometimes worth 10 times the original investment. If you want to make the most of life, cut down the time it takes to get to the next level and experience reaching your dreams and beyond---then you need a coach. And as the coaching market grows, ... (read more)

Author: Patrick Kleven

60. Only One God.
January 26, 2021

Are there one God or multiple God? Quran provides the answer to this question in a small chapter or Surah of the Quran. This is 112th chapter of the Qur’an, it is called Sura e Ikhlas or chapter of Pure Sincerity. This chapter is a very short but none the less very profound. Once polytheist of Makkah asked prophet Muhammad (PBUH), tell us about the lineage of your Lord, they further asked, “Is your Lord made up of gold, silver or pearls?” In response, God Almighty revealed this chapter. Though this chapter was revealed in response to some questions, this chapter highlights t... (read more)

Author: Quran ForHumanity

61. Equality of Mankind in The Quran
January 26, 2021

Qur’an is guiding everyone since last 1440 years to treat fellow human beings with equality and dignity. Equality of humankind is big social issue around the world today. Quran offers incredible view on this subject, even if an ordinary person contemplates on this advice he/she will soon realize the futility of prejudice and arrogance. Counsel given by prophet on this subject is also very persuasive. God Almighty says in Chapter 49 verse 13, O people! We have created you from a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most honorab... (read more)

Author: Quran ForHumanity

62. Do You Even Know What The Time & Season Is Or, Is The King James Bible Wrong?
October 24, 2020

Do You Even Know What the Time & Season Are Or, is the King James Bible Wrong? I know that the King James Bible is never wrong. I also know that man may perceive some things to be a certain way in the Bible and have it all wrong according to God. I have wanted to write a post like this for a while now but, I just never could because I did not have enough information from the word of God, and I did not have enough time to sit and write it out. Now since I have finished quarantine from the Chinavirus, as some call it, the Coronavirus or SARS COV 2 COVID-19, its real name, I do. COVID-19 is a ... (read more)

Author: Robert Howard

63. Wie funktioniert modernes Wahrsagen heute?
July 25, 2020

Das Klischee von der Wahrsagerin mit Kopftuch, die in der hinteren Ecke eines Jahrmarktes sitzt und in eine Glaskugel schaut, ist kaum noch präsent. Denn auch die Wahrsagerei hat Einzug genommen in die moderne digitalisierte Welt. Um das zu verstehen, muss man wissen, wie ein Wahrsager arbeitet. Überwiegend benutzen Wahrsager Hilfsmittel, um Deutungen abzuleiten für die Zukunft. Natürlich können dazu auch Kartendecks benutzt werden, wie das Tarot. Doch inzwischen gibt es auch entsprechende Software, die die Karten mischt und völlig ohne physische Karten auskommt. Der Ablauf einer solchen... (read more)

Author: lena schmidt

64. Wie die Corona Krise bei Menschen psychischen Stress auslöst
July 25, 2020

Die Angst und Sorge in der Coronakrise vor finanziellen Einschränkungen, Jobverlust, Geschäftsaufgabe oder anderen materiellen Verlusten sorgt für Stress beim Menschen. Hinzu kommt die Panik vor einer Ansteckung mit dem Corona Virus. Doch auch das social distance verursacht Probleme. Denn nicht alle Leute können damit umgehen, wenn sie eine lange Zeit mit dem Partner und den Kindern verbringen müssen. Diese Situation kann zu Konflikten führen. Denn es gibt keine Fluchtmöglichkeiten, wenn Cafes, Bars und andere Orte geschlossen sind. Besonders betroffen sind auch ältere Menschen in Seniorenheim... (read more)

Author: lena schmidt

65. Spirit of money, I want to be friends with you: Aayla Shaman reveals the secrets of financial well-
June 06, 2020

Why do we need to be friends with the spirit of money and how to do it? How do you know the secret to become lucky and successful in financial matters? Why does money fortune not smile on us? How do we kill money? Aayla Shaman will tell us all about it. Reflection effect We can compare money and the power of its impact on a person to a mirror. After all, it shows who we really are. For example, if you woke up in complete discord with yourself in the morning, your hair is disheveled, your eyes would not open, the mirror will reflect you in this form, without any artifice. If you tidy you... (read more)

Author: Natalie Baker

66. The secret of money with Shakuntali Siberia: How to become and stay wealthy with shamanic practices
June 06, 2020

Do you know that money works as a mirror? Mirror reflection is called the simple science that shows us instantaneously the power of money's impact on us. With examples out of daily life Shakuntali Siberia explains you very clearly how to understand the mirror reflection: Imagine yourself when you stand up in the morning after a long night out in a club, you didn't shower or wash your face before you went to sleep and now you go to the bathroom and watch in the mirror, what do you see? Most likely you will see that the reflection in your mirror shows you with messy hair and bags under your ey... (read more)

Author: Natalie Baker

67. The Journey To The Places Of Enlightment Of Lord Buddha
May 19, 2020

Nepal is the country full of natural attractions, Nepal may be the acceptable tourism destination for nature lovers tourists. In the same way, Nepal can be a suitable tourism destination for adventure enthusiasts tourists in addition to culture lovers. Nepal is very in culture and customs. In this small area, Nepal is a settlement of over 120 ethnic groups. A number of the ethnic groups are on the verge of extinction; Kusunda is one of them. It is very natural that Nepal, the land where Lord Buddha was created would have provisions for Buddhists having a Lumbini tour. A traveler or a pilgri... (read more)

Author: Anish Sah

68. Ayurveda Cleanse in India
February 28, 2020

Often when spiritually inclined travelers begin searching for a vacation that also involves rest and healing, they look for an Ayurveda and Yoga healing trip. Typically the search begins on the internet with phrases like “best Panchakarma in the world” or “top 10 Panchakarma retreats in India”. And so they follow the trail Google throws up, a few thousand pages of paid and organic content. Many pages are posted by retreat centers that have the budgets to produce articles that highlight and praise what they do, much written by happy clients who have experienced deeply transformative ... (read more)

Author: Salila Sukumaran

69. India Pilgrimage Tour
December 29, 2019

Religion is one of existence in India's most entities; religion has been widespread in the country since time immemorial. Religions reside in harmony and on their existence cultures flourishes. People of different faiths consider paying penance to reach salvation and consequently these pilgrimage tours were created. Devotees set under atmosphere on journeys to do penance and attain salvation. India pilgrimage tours takes one to the almighty's most holy shrines thereby becoming to that ambiance that is divine. For those desiring to set on people wanting to observe an route or a pursuit of spiri... (read more)

Author: Anish Sah

70. Holy Pilgrim Tours
December 26, 2019

Do you understand the significance of Chardham Yatra in Hindu faith? With why is your Char Dham yatra auspicious that today these sacred sites are seen by more than 250,000 unique visitors in an average pilgrim season, or are you comfortable? According to the thousand decades of Hindu tradition, it's thought that among the early Hindu philosopher and Immunology, “Adi Shankaracharya" was the key person who was responsible in coining the term "Chardham" - meaning the four abodes of god in the four directions of India - Badrinath in the North, Rameshwaram in the South, Puri at the East and D... (read more)

Author: Anish Sah

71. First Steps to Eliminating Racial Discrimination
October 31, 2019

The First Steps to Eliminating Racial Discrimination By Yvonne G SUMMARY: What a wonderful world it would be without racial discrimination bearing such a shameful position in our lives! Most say they'd like to be rid of it but how many of us are really working to accomplish the dismantling of this dreaded sickness? Most people agree that discrimination against races is wrong, and the world would be an ideal place without it. Many cruel acts are done that express deliberate malice towards others. However, there are also subtle habits and actions stemming from l... (read more)

Author: Yvonne G

72. What can Reiki Healing do for You?
October 09, 2019

Developed in the early 1920s by a Japanese Buddhist called Mikao Usui, Reiki is a form of spiritual healing. Using the energy that is within everything, a Reiki healer can move energy through their hands into their patients to help with a range of conditions and diseases, physical, mental and spiritual. There are two main branches of Reiki healing, there is Western Reiki and there is traditional Japanese healing. Here is a look at exactly what it is and what reiki healing in Abu Dhabi or elsewhere can help with. What exactly is Reiki? Reiki is spiritual but not religious. There is no... (read more)

Author: Richard Conard

73. PavitraJyotish Explained Jupiter transit 2019 - 2020 and Its Impact
September 18, 2019

Jupiter transit is an astrological reference of cyclic journey of Jupiter in the solar system. Based on a horoscope of an individual who is under the influence of the planet, an astrological study is made upon to understand the resulting magnitudes of Jupiter transit for that individual. It has been noticed that the planet Jupiter, when transiting in negative phase of your kundali can be the reason for bearing certain problems in specific areas of your life, such as career, education, marriage or financial life. For instance, you may find your career not rewarding or stuck without a sens... (read more)

Author: Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

74. Spirituality: Dark Energy Part of The Fabric of Fate?
January 11, 2019

In a perfect world, you could permanently avoid dark energies and forever sidestep demonic forces. Alas, the polarity of the universe dictates otherwise; sinister forces and evil spirits are part of the balance of things and our findings show they are sometimes predetermined to interfere with people’s lives in varying degrees. Here’s a question we received recently about the topic: “I wondered if you could answer a brief question on dark entities and how much they influence our lives. I’ve read your articles on this topic, but still can’t get clear on whether it’s our soul pla... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

75. 2019- It's Always Good To Change The Numbers
January 07, 2019

Numbers have a vibration, as all living things do. Numbers also have a frequency. As the Bible says every hair on your head is counted, every breath you receive determines a life. Life is growth or stagnation. We all have choice. As my latest fortune cookie fortune said, "The secret of getting ahead is getting started." As we start the new year we can entertain the possibilities on our "little life" and the life of the world. According to the ancient art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, there are 26 "safety energy locks," bilateral, on the body. 26 means "Total and complete." It also is the numbe... (read more)

Author: Merry C. Battles

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