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Spiritual Articles and Ezines


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Showing 226 to 250 of 500 Articles in Spiritual.
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226. Spiritual Attack Differs From Demonic Possession
April 25, 2016

Psychic (spiritual) attack is quite different than being possessed by disembodied souls or worse, one or more demons. The problem is that it’s easy for the inexperienced to completely overlook the cause of the trouble, or to confuse spiritual attacks and possession. Below we explain possession and psychic attacks to help you identify each. Possession: 1. Just as your physical body accumulates dirt and grime, your unseen body (i.e. spiritual self) picks up unwanted energy too. Disembodied souls, which are souls that have not gone to the Light after shedding their body, are c... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

227. Tricks to Meditate Better
April 25, 2016

Meditation seems challenging to many people, and rightly so. It requires steadfast discipline, yet the benefits of regular meditation are extraordinary, including peace of mind and even enhanced physical health. Below we include questions from someone who wants to meditate more effectively, along with our feedback and meditation tricks. “After six days of putting meditation into practice, I have experienced seeing flashes of light. I usually keep a notepad and record my experiences. Now I’m not sure of what exactly I am looking for or should I not be looking for anything at all. The ... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

228. Ghosts and Demons: Our Response to Doubters
April 25, 2016

Demonic possession, lost souls, and our philosophies about the topics are controversial, based on the feedback we receive. Over twenty-five years ago, we were hesitant to embrace the concepts of unseen demonic influences and lost souls, otherwise known as ghosts. But today, we fully accept these concepts, based on our objective findings. We share what we’ve learned to help you cut through the misunderstandings and misinformation and avoid the serious problems related to the issues. Below we list feedback from three anonymous individuals, along with our commentary. Comment #... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

229. Improve Your Sex Life With These 39 Magic Affirmations
April 25, 2016

Have you ever utilized the power of positive affirmations? Some say you can reach any goal, including improving your sex life, with positive thinking. Though we believe some things are out of reach no matter what you do, positive affirmations can help you with what is within reach. After years of empirical research, we believe all areas of life, including your sex life, are greatly impacted by your present and past life experiences. Your personal timing and destiny (the same thing as fate) reflects your past and present. The good news is that although a lot in your life is pr... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

230. Why hire a civil wedding celebrant?
April 15, 2016

Planning a wedding could be overwhelming for many persons, because they have to handle so many aspects and they do not know how to organise their time. Planning a wedding is all about taking decisions, considering aspects and trying to finish all in time. You have to find a wedding venue, decide upon the clothes, flower arrangements, choosing the destination for the honeymoon and other similar things. But when you are considering all of these, you should not forget about the wedding celebrant Sydney, because there are so many options and you might not know where to begin. A wedding celebrant w... (read more)

Author: Fabiola Groshan

231. All you need to know when hiring a marriage celebrant
April 15, 2016

When organizing a wedding you have many aspects to consider, because you have a clear image in your head on how it should be, and you do not want to miss anything. This is one of the most important events from your life, and you have to be sure that everything goes as planned, and you have nothing to worry that day. Because there are so many things to consider, you might forget to pay attention to the one which has the potential to set the tone for the whole event, the ceremony. Therefore you will have to find a marriage celebrant Sydney, who is able to transform this day into the most memorab... (read more)

Author: Fabiola Groshan

232. Choosing Your Mala
April 14, 2016

The mala is a strand of beads that are traditionally used for counting while doing mantra meditation. The can consist of one hundred eight beads, fifty-four beads, twenty-seven beads, twenty-one beads, or nineteen beads. Since approximately the tenth century, they have been used as a meditation aid. Mala beads allow you to focus your mind on a single task as you work through your meditation. It can be a powerful tool during your quest for clearer understanding and wellness if you practice yoga and meditation. Selecting the correct mala for your meditation and yoga practice and be a som... (read more)

Author: Richard Conard

233. Planning your Sikh wedding: things to consider
April 14, 2016

A Sikh marriage is more than a legal or physical connection between two people, it is considered to be an unbreakable spiritual union. After you and your significant other undergo this type of ceremony, you are no longer two different persons, but two bodies that are united as one. If you want your Sikh wedding ceremony and festivities to go perfectly, then there are a few things you should keep in mind. It is more than necessary to consider any important details, when you are planning your wedding. The first and most important thing you will need to take care of is finding the right Sikh ... (read more)

Author: Fabiola Groshan

234. Sacred rituals of a Sikh wedding: the beauty behind this ceremony
April 14, 2016

For those who are not familiar with the term, ‘Sikh’ is the word used in Punjabi for ‘disciple’ or ‘learner’. Sikhism is a monotheistic religion that is mostly met in South Asia and it dates back to the 15th century. Besides the Scripture, the teachings and the philosophy present in this religion, something else that catches most of people’s attention when they hear about this culture is the traditions and customs Sikhs have. One of the most beautiful ceremonies in this religion is the Sikh marriage ceremony, which is also known as Anand Karaj (‘blissful union’ in English). Anand Karaj com... (read more)

Author: Fabiola Groshan

235. How Can A God Of Love Allow Suffering To Exist?
April 11, 2016

How can a God of love allow all this evil and suffering to exist? My wife’s question is when my parents were physically abusing me I prayed for help and God did nothing, Why? To answer the first question we need to divide the question into two parts. We need to understand how spiritual dominions operate and also answer the question why are we here? To do this we need to go back to the beginning when God first made Adam and put him in the Garden of Eden with his wife Eve. At that time God gave the dominion of the earth to Adam and Eve. We can see this in Genesis 1:28, Then God bles... (read more)

Author: Tim Fay

236. How To Hold And Care For Buddhist Malas
March 19, 2016

Mala is a Sanskrit word that means heavenly garland and in Tibetan mala is called threngwa. Buddhist mala is used to keep a track when a person is reciting, chanting or mentally doing mantra meditations or the name or other known names of a god. Mala beads can be compared to other types of prayer beads that are used in other religions which is why they are sometimes referred to as the Buddhist Rosary. The main objective of using beads mala is to help in focusing one’s awareness and concentration when they are doing any spiritual practice. Mantra meditations are spiritual prayers or syllab... (read more)

Author: Richard Conard

237. The Simple Act of Breathing
March 14, 2016

Breath is such a simple, and yet profound, thing. When a baby is born, everyone waits to hear the first breath, the first cry, signifying that the child is OK. When someone dies, we talk about their last breath. Breath is the sign we’ve entered the world, and lack of breath says we’ve left the world. Recently, I was doing some ritual breath work. I noticed that my back began to ache. It was painful! Instead of fighting it, I chose to simply be with the pain. I noticed my body lying on the floor, the palms of my hands touching the blanket I had under me. I noticed the p... (read more)

Author: Julie Foucht

238. Free Will vs. Fate -- Story of Three Spiritual Aspirants
February 29, 2016

The fate vs. free will debate involves three main points of view. Either you believe everything is fated, nothing is fated, or somewhere in between. Below we outline the three general belief systems regarding fate vs. free will represented through three separate spiritual seekers. 1. The first seeker believes there’s nothing she can do to improve her lot in life. She contends that everything in her life is fated so why bother trying to make it better? Unfortunately, she’s also pessimistic and completely fatalistic. Of morbid disposition, she spends her free time alone watching ... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

239. How to Regain Your Psychic Ability
February 15, 2016

Is it possible to lose your psychic ability? We’ve been meditating and exercising our psychic muscles for years, and we’ve found certain things can strengthen or weaken psychic ability. Everyone has some degree of psychic ability, whether you want to call it your gut feeling, intuition, or guidance from above. We don’t think it’s possible to ever permanently lose what you were born with (we consider your unique talents abilities developed over lifetimes, not “gifts”--nobody gave them to you). Many things can interfere with psychic abilities, including the following: Psychic My... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

240. New Age Myth: Thoughts Create Everything in Your Life
February 01, 2016

You’ve probably heard of the idea that thoughts create your reality. By reality, what motivational speakers and best-selling New Age authors refer to is the events and circumstances of your life, not just your state of mind. In the real world, you’ll find it’s not so simple. While we are strong proponents of positive thinking and we believe you can make the most of your life by changing what you can and how you view that which you can’t change, conscious thought is only part of what influences your life. It sounds easy, doesn’t it? Just think positive thoughts. One major pr... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

241. Menagerization - Illusions of the Elite
January 24, 2016

Menagerization – Is the process of creating a false world view or representation designed to convince a target audience that the presentation is a representation of reality. The practice of Menagerization is a form of management of animals or lesser humans for the benefit of an elite class. The creation of the concept holds its roots in the word Menagerie which is a collection of captive animals kept for display and study and is mostly connected with an aristocratic or royal court. The term Menagerization was selected because it emphasizes the perceived position of those providing the prese... (read more)

Author: R Jones

242. Twins: Spiritual Heritage of Twins Trumps DNA and Environment
January 18, 2016

As identical twins, we are supposed to be genetic mirrors of each other and conventional scientists attribute our differences in personality to environmental influences. Contrast that with our controversial viewpoint: we associate our unique personalities and distinct physical differences to the influence of spiritual heritage; everyone, including identical twins, has a unique soul. Life is much more than mere biological science. Why not consider the influence of spirit too? We contend that you aren’t just a hunk of meat with a brain and that the unique qualities and spiritual... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

243. Guides of the Light vs. Dark Entities: 8 Differences
January 04, 2016

What’s the difference between spirit guides of the Light, and other unseen entities? How do you know if your spirit guide is of the Light, or instead a troublemaker or even a dark entity? We’ve had many experiences with both benevolent and malevolent spirits and want you to understand the difference so you can avoid trouble. Here’s a recent e-mail we received about the subject: “Hi guys, I’ve recently become aware of the spirit world and I have been talking to my guardian angel through my friend. I recently discovered that my guardian angel is falling for me. So I guess my question ... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

244. Answer to Personal Fate and Karma Skeptic
December 20, 2015

The views we hold about personal fate and karma, such as at least 75% of the core circumstances and events in everyone’s life are predestined, are controversial. We regularly receive unsolicited (usually anonymous) feedback like this: “What about the law of attraction? Don’t we co-create our lives, our realities? I think so. Your information is depressing. “I agree that suffering is a choice. But you seem too extreme in your point of view. We all have a blueprint and we all have our challenges and blessings, but I don’t believe that EVERYTHING is set in stone. Amy Winehouse ... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

245. How to have a perfect destination Sikh wedding
December 17, 2015

Although most couples choose to hold the wedding ceremony in their hometown, destinations weddings are gaining ground, becoming a coveted alternative among brides and grooms from many cultures, including the Sikh one. The reasons for this transition are clear. On the one hand, the newlyweds can unite their destinies in a beautiful, exotic location, have an intimate ceremony only with their closest friends and save money on decorations. On the other hand, couples and their families may want to organize the wedding elsewhere because the union is not approved within the Gurudwara. However pleasan... (read more)

Author: Fabiola Groshan

246. Sikh weddings: a delight for the spirit
December 17, 2015

Taking into consideration that Sikh culture is extremely traditional and spiritual; their weddings are considered a highly sacred event for all the participants. Besides representing the beginning of a new life together for the happy couple, traditional ceremonies, known as Anand Karaj, are rather a union of the spirit. If you were to translate this Punjabi expression, its meaning is similar to “sublime affair” or “blissful reunion”, since the bride and the groom are about to start their spiritual journey as husband and wife. In addition to bringing these two people together, the wedding is al... (read more)

Author: Fabiola Groshan

247. An overview of spiritual retreats: Why should we do that? Part II
December 13, 2015

We all need some time to run away from the traumas of our daily life and to rejuvenate our inner selves in order to increase the quality of our lifestyle. Meditation in a tranquil place may help you to peep into your mind and connects you with the spiritual entity as well. The life and its complications are always our companions. Avoiding them or getting released from them, is actually not possible. But sometimes it becomes utterly intolerable to continue like that. You become frustrated, irritated, enraged and totally out of control. You feel like the peace of life is vanishing somewhere.... (read more)

Author: Leon Grant

248. How To Find The Right Religion
December 10, 2015

In today's world if you are seeking God it is easy to be led astray by all the different religions. You have Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses knocking at your door. You have a choice from Buddhists, Muslims, Hindu’s and a variety of Christian sects all preaching that they have the correct way to God. So which one is right? Can they all be correct? How are you supposed to figure it all out and make the right choice? I believe if you take a close look at mankind and a closer look at yourself you will see that mankind is in desperate need of a savior to save us from ourselves and all the sins... (read more)

Author: Tim Fay

249. An overview of spiritual retreats: Why should we do that? Part I
December 07, 2015

Spending some time in a peaceful ambience, gives you an opportunity to know your inner truth. It connects you with the almighty and enhances your self-confidence. In every religion, there are different types of retreats, which helps you rejuvenate and to grow strong. The busy, fast life and the increasing competition are making us weary and weak inside. The daily troubles and the worries have a co-existence in your life. The tension we face every day at home or at workplace needs a recess. We are tired of this rat race and seek sometime to spend with our inner self. Taking a break and goin... (read more)

Author: Leon Grant

250. The Holocaust Remains an Enduring Reminder for Future Generations
December 07, 2015

There have been many tyrannical rulers throughout history. Joseph Stalin, leader of the Soviet Union, had killed many people during the Great Terror, coolly dispatching with his political opponents and other Russians, and also as a consequence of his economic policies, caused the famine in the Ukraine which claimed many more lives. Approximately 23 million died during his tenure. Indeed, to this day many Russians remain divided on their opinions of whether Stalin was a hero or a villain. On mortality rate alone, Mao Zedong, the leader of The People’s Republic of China was responsible for many ... (read more)

Author: Christopher Evans

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