Author: Content Inc
Company: Content Inc
Memorable Quote 1: Content is King says Google and so do we
Memorable Quote 2: Not the saying but never needing to say is what counts.
Author Comment / Biography: Content INC was started in year 2010 as a content writing firm. Headed by a Silver Medalist in MBA (Marketing and Finance), the main object of the firm is to offer quality content that is copyscape passed by Google enabling clients to drive more and more traffic to their websites.
“Content Is King”, says Google and so do we. Each time Google brings in an update such as Panda or Penguin, people who focus on content are the ones who are the least affected. The main focus of Google, as regards the working of its search engine, has always been Content.
So here we are, CONTENT INC, as a content writing firm that specializes in
Website content management (WCM) / Website Content Writing Business proposal write up Business plan write up Articles writing specific to your company and their submission on various article sites Blogs Management Press release Translation Services Brochure Writing Offer and Newsletters content writing all based on your needs.
We can write on any topic and the content will be unique and written very professionally.
We provide quality content that will bring traffic to your site from Google, and other search engines, and give you quality rankings.
So lets get started !!! Let your website or content do the talking before you do !!!