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Articles by Shannon Shannon |
1. Rapid Recovery through Naturopathy Cancer Clinics
June 11, 2013
Cancer is one of the most vulnerable diseases that are very difficult to cure in case of severity. It must be identified at the early stage to prevent it from spreading to other organs of the human body. There are various types of cancer such as lung, pulmonary, liver, breast, mouth, stomach, blo...
2. Facts about Ovarian Cancer and its Treatment Procedures
June 05, 2013
Women in older age get higher risk of ovarian cancer. 90% of them above the age of 40 are affected by ovarian cancer and it causes more death than any other reproductive system. It is difficult to diagnosis at the early stage until it spreads and advances to later stages. This is because of sympt...
3. Liver Cancer and Treatment Methods
May 31, 2013
Due to unhealthy food habits and lifestyle changes many people are affected with numerous diseases that are dangerous to life. Social gatherings leave way for many to involve in life killing activities like drugs, drinks and many other dreadful habits. Even though knowing about the result of such...
4. Precise note on naturopathy cancer treatment
May 13, 2013
Many among of this modern era develop cancer cells due to their contemporary life style and habitual reasons. The malignant tumor cells can be treated at earlier stage to restrict further development. It is always necessary to treat these cancer cells at a very initial stage to prevent from spreadin...
5. Medical and Natural Therapy for Prostate Cancer
May 09, 2013
Cancer is a worse disease that has less medical treatments and therapy. It affects major organs of the human body like liver, brain, breast, stomach, kidney, prostate and mouth. Out of which prostate cancer develops in 40% of men above 50 years of age. Prostate is a gland in the male reproductive sy...
6. Blend Oncology Medications and Naturopathy for Fast Breast Cancer Recovery
May 07, 2013
Cancer is the most dangerous disease as it spreads all over the body. It is the uncontrollable cell growth which results in formation of tumors. But only certain type of tumors are cancerous which spreads all over the body and some are non cancerous which do not multiply. These cancerous tumors mus...
7. Green tea and Stomach Cancer
April 12, 2013
Organic food is gaining the attention of people due to the innumerable health benefits it offers. To avoid the substandard adulterated food, most of the health conscious people are trying to incorporate organic foods into their diet to assist healthy living. Naturopathy has emerged as a promising al...
8. Ovarian Cancer Symptoms and Treatments
April 09, 2013
Ovarian cancer is a kind of cancer that occurs in the ovaries (Gonad). Basically females have two ovaries on both sides of the uterus. Both the ovaries are about the size of an almond and develop eggs (ova) and the hormone progesterone, testosterone and estrogen. Usually ovarian cancer goes undiagno...
9. Symptoms and Treatments for Breast Cancer
April 08, 2013
Breast cancer is a metastatic tumor (A tumor that is malignant & tends to spread to other parts of the body) developing from the breast’s cells. Albeit, breast cancer mainly arises in females, however, it can also occur in men. This write up discuss the breast cancer in women. Before knowing the bre...
10. Detecting ovarian cancer at an earlier stage
March 11, 2013
Latest surveys show that over twenty two thousand women are reported with ovarian cancer every year. This indicates that this condition is increasing at an alarming rate in women. The worst part with this type of cancer is that it shows no or negligible initial symptoms which makes it very difficult...
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