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Triple Diamond Construction is a licensed roofing company serving Oklahoma City, Moore, Norman, Yuko...more

Connect with Experts Assignment Help for urgent assignment help, online exam help, a href="https://...more

Designpluz has steadily matured from a passionate graphics design start-up, into a full service digi...more

I am an essay writer with vast experience in data analysis, PowerPoint writing and research paper ed...more

I am a passionate article and blog writer based in South Africa. With a love for life and a strong d...more

Author: addiction professor
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 Articles by addiction professor 
41. Inpatient Rehab Atlanta Georgia
June 09, 2009

It is a proven fact that once a child/teenager begins smoking marijuana the odds that they will progress to harder, illicit drugs increases four times that of a person who does not smoke marijuana. The easy availability and high addictive qualities of these drugs not only ruin the lives of those who...

42. Alcohol Rehab Houston Texas
June 02, 2009

Houston is the nation's fourth largest city. During 2006, 203 people were killed in alcohol-related traffic crashes in Harris County. Of those, 147 people were killed in drunk driving crashes involving a driver with a blood or breath alcohol concentration of .08% or higher. The likelihood a person i...

43. Drug Rehab Houston Texas
June 02, 2009

Houston Texas residents are in desperate need of drug rehab today. Narconon Arrowhead sees that the Houston area has a serious drug problem and we are willing to help. There are literally over a million individuals in the area who are dependant on drugs and alcohol and need immediate help to get the...

44. Outpatient Drug Rehab Houston Texas
June 01, 2009

Houston residents are faced with an extreme drug and alcohol problem and Narconon Arrowhead wants to do its part to help. Offering drug education lectures, Narconon has been able to reach many Houston residents, teaching them about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. The barriers one may face when suf...

45. Narconon Arrowhead Helps Dallas Texas Residents Find Alcohol Rehab
June 01, 2009

Most residents from Dallas are aware that the city has a major alcohol problem but are unaware that drunk driving is the most frequently committed violent crime in our country. In Texas, this crime is committed more frequently than in any other state. According to the National Highway Traffic Safet...

46. Inpatient Drug Rehab Houston Texas
June 01, 2009

The Houston area continues to be a primary transshipment area for the bulk of most major categories of drugs, including cocaine, marijuana and methamphetamine. The easy availability and high addictive qualities of these drugs not only ruin the lives of those who are addicted, but also those who love...

47. Houston Texas Drug Abuse Prevention
June 01, 2009

Many residents in Houston Texas are aware that drug abuse is increasing in their community. Mayor Bill White’s Office for Public Safety and Drug Policy has created “Houston Crackdown”, which coordinates and supports volunteer projects in the area of substance abuse prevention, treatment and law enfo...

48. Narconon Arrowhead's Drug Abuse Prevention In Dallas Texas
May 29, 2009

Most residents from Dallas know that the city has a major drug and alcohol problem. They may not know that in 2007, 4,213 persons sought after treatment for drug abuse. Narconon Arrowhead offers drug education programs across Texas and many other states. What is the Dallas area doing about drug abus...

49. Narconon's Outpatient Drug Rehab Dallas Texas
May 29, 2009

There are many individuals in the Dallas area that need help with addiction. In 2007, over 4,200 persons sought after treatment for methamphetamine, heroin and cocaine abuse. The first step anyone can take in getting help is finding a program that will be the perfect match for them. Narconon Arrowhe...

50. Narconon Arrowhead Supports Drug Rehab for Dallas Texas
May 28, 2009

As the Dallas area sees a rise in drug addiction, the need for drug rehab in the area becomes a hot topic.

Narconon is allied with the many Dallas Texas residents who are in desperate need of drug rehab today. Studies show that an estimated 1.4 million individuals in Dallas Texas abused alco...

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At LeadGenerators, we specialise in content-led Online Marketing Strategies for our clients in the t...more

Steve Bye is currently a fiction writer, who published his first novel, ‘Looking Forward Through the...more

I am an internet marketer and also an educator. My goal is to help others who are looking to improve...more

Rev Bresciani is the author of two Christian books. One book is an important and concisely written b...more

After 60-plus years of living, I am just trying to pass down some of the information that I have lea...more

Stevert Mckenzie, Travel Enthusiast. ...more

Author of four books and two screenplays; frequent magazine contributor. I have four other books "in...more

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I am the editor of QUAY Magazine, a B2B publication based in the South West of the UK. I am also the...more

I'm an avid consumer of a smoothie a day living, herbs, vitamins and daily dose of exercise. I'm 60...more

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