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Triple Diamond Construction is a licensed roofing company serving Oklahoma City, Moore, Norman, Yuko...more

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Designpluz has steadily matured from a passionate graphics design start-up, into a full service digi...more

I am an essay writer with vast experience in data analysis, PowerPoint writing and research paper ed...more

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Author: Melville Jackson
Displaying 1311 to 1320 of 1525 articles < Back | Next >
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 Articles by Melville Jackson 
1311. How To Sell Successfully In An Economic Downturn
October 06, 2010

When an economy faces a downturn, sales slump drastically due to a decline in consumer spending. Some companies are able to weather the challenging times and even grow their businesses. What is it that they do differently?

How to Sell Effectively During an Economic Slump

The first...

1312. Where To Look For Acquiring English Teaching Skills
October 05, 2010

As a career option English Teaching is gaining popularity. A person who wants to impart English teaching to EFL students in a non English speaking nation needs to do professional certifications like CELTA, TESOL and TEFL. There are many countries where trained English teachers are scarce but the dem...

1313. What One Should Know About English Language Teaching (ELT) Skills And Programs
October 05, 2010

English Teaching is gradually emerging as a much sought after career option. The people who want to earn handsome amounts of money by teaching English in foreign countries should consider doing the professional English teaching courses like CELTA, TESOL and TEFL. The nations like Japan, China and UA...

1314. All One Needs To Know About English Language Teaching (ELT)
October 04, 2010

There are many countries where English is not the first language and the number of professionally trained English Teaching staff is limited. However, the residents are eager to master the language. This is why the demand of EFL or TEFL trained teachers is quite high in these nations. The countries w...

1315. Criminal Defense Attorney Northampton - Getting Rid Of The Charges Against You
October 04, 2010

Why keep quiet if you have been wrongly implicated in a criminal case? Exploit the advantages of hiring a criminal defense lawyer in Northampton. Estimates state that almost 50 percent of the individuals are wrongly charged in cases where they have never been involved. Even if they were involved, th...

1316. DUI Lawyer In Lehigh - Don't Let The Law Agents Falsely Implicate You
October 04, 2010

DUI can also be known as Driving Under Influence. This can be anything from drink driving to driving under the influence of drugs. When you are pulled over, the police needs to have a good reason in doing so. The DUI lawyers in Lehigh will ensure that the laws were followed when you were asked to st...

1317. Criminal Lawyers In Phillipsburg Can Offer You Guaranteed Fair Trail
October 04, 2010

The criminal lawyers based in Phillipsburg are well known throughout the United Sates of America. If you are charged with any criminal conduct, you can refer yourself to the criminal lawyers in Phillipsburg. These lawyers will ensure that you get a fair trial by collecting evidence against the prose...

1318. Criminal Lawyers In Northampton - Boost Your Chances Of Walking Out Free
October 04, 2010

Criminal lawyers in Northampton are some of the most highly reputed lawyers in the United Stated of America. These lawyers will represent you in the court and build a legal defense for you so that you can walk out the court with your head held high. The criminal lawyers in Northampton offer a reason...

1319. Criminal Attorney In Lehigh - Helping You Challenge The Decisions Against You
October 04, 2010

Every country has different laws for criminal attorneys. In the United States of America, the criminal attorney deals with the apprehension and/of search of a property. The court system in the United States is based on the judge and the jury. The jury gives it verdict and has to be unanimous in thei...

1320. Criminal Defense Attorney In Bethlehem - Defending You Against False Implications
October 03, 2010

Criminal Defense attorney specializes in the field to defend individuals who are charged for a criminal conduct. The basic role of a criminal lawyer is to represent the individual and provide valid proofs to the court for not charging the individual. In case of a definite criminal conduct, the lawye...

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At LeadGenerators, we specialise in content-led Online Marketing Strategies for our clients in the t...more

Steve Bye is currently a fiction writer, who published his first novel, ‘Looking Forward Through the...more

I am an internet marketer and also an educator. My goal is to help others who are looking to improve...more

Rev Bresciani is the author of two Christian books. One book is an important and concisely written b...more

After 60-plus years of living, I am just trying to pass down some of the information that I have lea...more

Stevert Mckenzie, Travel Enthusiast. ...more

Author of four books and two screenplays; frequent magazine contributor. I have four other books "in...more

For more articles, blog messages & videos and a free e-book download go to your p...more

I am the editor of QUAY Magazine, a B2B publication based in the South West of the UK. I am also the...more

I'm an avid consumer of a smoothie a day living, herbs, vitamins and daily dose of exercise. I'm 60...more

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