Accident lawyers do more than handle auto accident cases. While most people consider an accident lawsuit to be one involving automobiles, there are other types of accidents where Accident Attorneys Corona representation may be warranted. The following will cover the basics of the kinds of accidents an accident lawyer can handle. Workplace Injuries Workplace injuries are very common, especially when the owner or management neglects to ensure the safety of the people who work for them. Any kind of negligence that causes an injury in the workplace may warrant legal representation. Animal Bites An estimated 4.7 million people experience dog attacks in the United States within a year's time and one of every six of these attacks are likely to require medical attention. If you or a loved one is bitten by a dog due to the negligence of the owner, you may need to seek help from an accident attorney. Wrongful Death While no one wants to think about having to experience a wrongful death lawsuit, these things do sometimes happen. When a person loses a loved one due to the negligence of another, only a lawyer can help you get the monetary compensation you deserve. Monetary compensation does not bring back your loved one, but it's the only way for the person who caused the death to make restitution. Product Liability Defective products from medications to blow dryers have been know to cause injury, serious illness, or death. These instances are accidental, yet many times there is some design defect or negligence in producing a quality product that creates the problem. representation can help with these cases. Auto Accidents and Beyond Accident attorneys take on auto accident cases that are worthy of a lawsuit. Other types of possible automobile related accidents can include bicycle accidents, uninsured motorist issues, pedestrian accidents, motorcycle accidents, and truck accidents. These are the instances where one might need to hire an attorney. Accident lawyers do not charge a fee in most cases unless they win monetary compensation for you. The goal is to either get monetary compensation and/or restore your health or equipment/vehicle to its original condition. visit us -
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