Enhance Dental Perfection with Laser Dentistry Laser dentistry involves the use of laser beams to perform several dental procedures. The use of laser dentistry to simplify and improve dental procedures has been prominent since 1994. The efficacy of laser dentistry lies in the dentists’ ability to control the power output and focus the laser on the affected area for the right duration, without damaging the surrounding tissues. Uses of Laser Dentistry The wide scope of laser dentistry allows dentists to provide precision treatment with minimal pain and recovery time. Laser dentistry is generally applied for curing: 1.Tooth decay: Decayed tooth can be removed with the help of dental lasers. Laser dentistry also prepares the enamel surrounding the decay to receive the filling. Thus, the need for local anesthesia and traditional turbine dental drill is eliminated. 2.Lesions: Lesions in the mouth can be removed with the help of lasers. They also help relieve patients of the pain from canker sores. 3.Tooth sensitivity: The sensitivity of teeth to hot and cold substances can be treated with lasers. This is done by sealing the tubules located on the roots of the affected teeth. 4.Gum diseases: Laser dentistry root canal procedures help reshape gums and remove the bacteria surrounding swollen gums. Laser dentistry (low intensity soft tissue lasers) also helps detect cavities at a very early stage. Dentists also use dental laser to remove minute pieces of tissue to be examined for cancer (biopsy). Benefits of Laser Dentistry Laser dentistry uses laser as a cutting instrument in surgical and dental procedures. While laser helps to strengthen the bond between filling and the tooth, it acts as a heat source that enhances the effect of bleaching agents in teeth whitening procedures. As compared to the traditional dental drill, laser: 1.Causes less pain, reducing the need for applying anesthesia. 2.Reduces bleeding and swelling when treating soft tissues 3.Reduces anxiety in patients uncomfortable with dental drill. 4.Preserves healthy tooth during cavity removal. Drawbacks of Laser Dentistry The disadvantages of using laser dentistry are: 1.Lasers cannot be used on teeth with fillings already in place. 2.Lasers cannot be used in many commonly performed dental procedures. For example, it cannot be used to fill cavities located between teeth, around old fillings, and large cavities that need to be prepared for a crown. Also, lasers cannot remove defective crowns or silver fillings, or prepare teeth for bridges. 3.Traditional drills need to be used in combination with laser to shape and polish the filling and adjust the bite. 4.These do not eliminate the need for anesthesia. 5.Laser treatment tends to be more expensive, since the cost of laser is much higher than a dental drill. For an almost pain-free laser dentistry, look up for comprehensive information on U.S. dentists offering these services on the website Patient FYI. This online directory helps patients in selecting a dentist and scheduling an appointment with him. Resources : At Patient FYI you can find laser dentistry doctors and laser dentistry specialists near your city with complete information. Search online with simple steps.
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