Many residents in Houston Texas are aware that drug abuse is increasing in their community. Mayor Bill White’s Office for Public Safety and Drug Policy has created “Houston Crackdown”, which coordinates and supports volunteer projects in the area of substance abuse prevention, treatment and law enforcement. The program has been serving the citizens of Houston and Harris County since 1988. Narconon Arrowhead’s drug rehabilitation and education program also offers help. It is a 24 hour a day care facility dedicated to helping addicts get free from drugs and alcohol; and return to society as stable productive members of the community. With a success rate of over 70% of those who graduate the program Narconon Arrowhead is one of the most successful programs in the nation. Houston Crackdown started a Youth Program. The program is dedicated to reducing tobacco, alcohol and other drug-related problems in the community. Houston’s grocery trade has steps in to help by awarding Houston Crackdown’s Bright Ideas Community Grant Fund more than $799,000 to over 100 organizations in the past eight years. These organizations support positive, drug-free activities for youths through schools, churches, civic groups, and recreation centers. Houston Crackdown also coordinates the Drug Prevention Month public awareness campaign each October. This campaign encourages young people and adults to make the choice to stay drug free. Like any community Houston wants to create positive programs for their youth and families. Programs providing accurate information will enable people to make smart, healthy choices. By offering a 24-hour bilingual drug information line they are also able to reach more people who may need help in the area. After all being able to reach everyone in the community no matter what barriers they may be facing is of the utmost importance in saving lives from drug addiction. Preventing addiction before it every gets the chance to start is the best way to do that. When you can educate young people at an early age about the affects of drugs and alcohol they have a better chance of staying clean for a life time. In cases where a family finds that drug or alcohol addiction has surfaced it is best to contact a professional to get the right type of help. There are many resources with in each community and nationally that help families who are in need. When searching for help make sure to find the type of program that best fits with your needs and your addiction. If you or someone you love is struggling with substance abuse and are searching for drug rehab in Houston Texas, call Narconon Arrowhead today. Narconon Arrowhead is one of the world's largest and most effective inpatient drug rehabilitation and education programs with a success rate of over 70% of those who graduate. Narconon Arrowhead offers free addiction counseling, free assessments and referrals to the residents in Houston Texas. To locate a Houston inpatient drug rehab or find out information about drug abuse prevention contact Narconon Arrowhead by calling 1-800-468-6933 or visit our website at
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