A Virtual Professional (VP) is an independent entrepreneur providing administrative, creative, and technical services. Utilizing advanced technological modes of communication and data delivery, a VP assists clients by using personal expertise and working from his/her own office on a contractual basis. As a business owner, you will not incur all of the overhead expenses associated with an in-house employee such as office space, equipment, taxes, health insurance, sick leave, and vacations. By hiring a VP, you only pay for the actual hours on task. Virtual Professionals are trained professionals capable of handling a wide range of tasks from full-charge bookkeeping to day-to-day bookkeeping and invoicing, entering data, designing web sites, handling human resources activities, completing general administrative tasks and managing projects. If you are a business owner who needs assistance managing your work flow; are overwhelmed processing administrative tasks; and are challenged by the never ending "to do list" that keeps growing and need support in getting things done more efficiently and effectively, you need a Virtual Professional. For many companies, Virtual Professionals have become a fact of life for small to medium size businesses and corporations. Regardless of size, businesses are tightening their budgets and cutting expenses where they can, some are letting go of non-essential employees and others are cutting back on supplies, equipment, and new directions for their company. They still need support, however, as they weather the crisis their company and the country is in. Most business owners would agree that they could use 10-20 extra hours in their week to free them up to do more of the things they love to do and do best. Working with a Virtual Professional, owners can hand off the tasks they like doing the least or that are not profit-making to an outside skilled expert for a fraction of what it would cost to hire an in-house employee. The most common reasons businesses and corporations choose to outsource their bookkeeping and administrative processes are to reduce operating costs, improve company focus, and improve quality. Outsourcing to VP's has become an accepted business tool worldwide. By turning over business processes to companies that consider these tasks their core competency, businesses and corporations can effectively become more profitable, more efficient and far more competitive. Virtual Professionals are contract employees. Business owners pay the agreed upon fee, and the VP's are responsible for all of their own costs. With a VP, you will never have to pay for: • Employee Benefits • Vacations, Holidays, or Sick Leaves • Taxes: Payroll, Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment • Workers Compensation • Employee Personal Downtime: Lunch, Breaks, and Personal Issues • Additional Office Space, Equipment, or Training Fran McCully Your Administrative Solutions www.youradministrativesolutions.com www.quickbooksadministrativesolutions.com www.expertquickbooks.com 208-877-1736 Office fran@youradministrativesolutions.com Setting Business People Free Partnering with small business, micro companies, solopreneurs and individuals to reduce your workload, grow your business, and boost your profits, all while saving YOU money! For more information and to receive the FREE report "Over 50 Ways You Can Give Yourself A Raise In Your Business", visit http://www.YourAdministrativeSolutions.com today.
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