Everything you should know about Thrush Infection Thrush infection is very common amongst kids and is a matter of concern for many mothers. Everything that a parent should know about thrush infection is mentioned beneath and is quite helpful to tackle the ailment. In new born children you may observe an infection caused by fungus or Candida albicans yeast; this is known as thrush infection. It affects the vagina and causes rashes owing to diapers and infection in vagina. It can even infect a child?s mouth and is medically known as Oropharyngeal Candidiasis and Thrush infection in layman language. Symptoms of Thrush infection Thrush is not a dangerous ailments and the most common symptom of thrush is appearance of white milky patches inside the mouth of an infant. These patches may vary in their appearance right from tongue to lips, gums and even inside of the cheeks. Thrush infection is spreadable and at times it is painful as well. These patches should not be tried to wipe away as they start to bleed in case it is forcefully removed and later on take shape of ulcer, which is indeed very painful. Diagnosis of Thrush Infection Thrush infection does not require any kind of test. Its symptoms are enough for diagnosis. Normally owing to thrush infection, child becomes fussy and does not eat easily. Treatments Treatment of Thrush infection involves a medicine called Nystatin, prescribed by pediatrician to be consumed four times in a day. If the child is less than 30 days, 0.5 ml should be given to child?s each side, while for toddlers and older kids, the dosage vary to 1ml. This treatment is normally continued for a week to ten days depending upon the response child is getting from the medicine. If the infection is severe, gauze should be used to apply the medicine directly upon the white patch. Another medicine that is frequently prescribed by doctors for thrush infection is Fluconazole (Diflucan). The best part about it is that you need to give it to your child only once a day. Since it is quite expensive, it is used only if Nystatin fails to work. Keep in mind the following points: ? Yeast infection may spread from a breast fed baby to his mother on their nipples and breast leading to pain while breast feeding. Such mothers too need to be treated along with their kids. ? Candida albicans yeast is everywhere and that is the reason why children usually get infected by thrush. Thus, even if you sterilize the toys, bottles and pacifiers of the kids, still there are chances of a child getting thrush infection. This shows that everything you do for your baby should be properly done and everything around the baby should be as much sterilize as it can be. ? Frequent occurrence of thrush infection may owe to overuse of the same bottle or pacifier. Buying new nipples can help tremendously. ? Thrush infection can be a symptom of childhood diabetes or immunity system disorder in older children, who have not been on steroids or antibiotics in the recent times. It?s better to consult a pediatrician. ? Also, if the immune system of the kid is week, there are chance of thrush infection reoccurring or may not be resolving at all. In case, you have noticed that your baby is not gaining much weight and has some other medical ailment as well, don?t neglect it and consult a doctor as soon as you can.
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