How to Straighten wavy hair using simple techniques are easy enough to do yourself. Having wavy hair is really enjoyable but sometimes waves can be really dreary and so being able to straighten your wavy hair locks becomes important to most ladies. There are ways to get straight hair but it is also wise to take care of the hair when attempting to straighten it. The hair can be extremely delicate and regardless of whether hair will grow back, harming the scalp can be very damaging in the long run for the look of your hair. The first step before beginning the straightening process is to acknowledge what type of hair you have. All hair types have a suited straightening aid to achieve a straight look. You will therefore need to decide whether your hair is really thick and unmanageable, fine or frizzes easily. You also need to decide if you want your hair permanently straight or just temporarily for a while or fore a one time occasion. Some ladies like their waves, so a short term straight look will be more suitable in that regard. You can proceed with the straightening process when you have decided on your type of hair and how long you would like straight hair for. One can choose from straightening creams, relaxers and straightening irons to make your hair straight. The first two mentioned are perfect for coarse hair and also give long term straight hair. However, different hair types should use different straightener and relaxer creams. There are creams for coarse hair and regular type hair available. Hair is straightened even better with hair straightening irons. Before, the curling iron was huge and everyone had wavy hair. The straightening iron is now a huge phenomenon as if the curling iron never existed! Various manufacturers, with products that are more powerful than others but all have the same purpose. This is to let go of the curl and cause straightness. It is however possible that more expensive ones work much effectively than more affordable ones that struggle to keep the hair straight. Straightening irons will not ensure a permanent straight look. When used with straightening creams and relaxers, straighter hair can be achieved. It is always helpful to use protective products on your hair when using an iron. You will find a range of serums, sprays and lotions meant to protect the hair form thermal damage and encourage shine for a greater look. Suwarnaadi is a hairdresser & writer. He writes articles about hairstyle and hair care for
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