California Marriage Records contain data on names, licenses and counties for marriage applications. All California Marriage Records are kept by the California Department of Public Health Office of Vital Records. Individual counties issue confidential records pertaining to licenses that were issued out of their office. The same is true for divorce records. They will be found only in the county of which the Superior Court ordered the divorce decree. California's law - The California Public Records Act - mandates that all public records and copies are made available to anyone. You can find free California marriage records at county offices as well as online at various websites offered by government agencies of the state of California. The information found at these places will suffice for the purpose of broad research but if you need something more detailed and in-depth, an official set of marriage records is probably necessary. In the state of California, the Office of Vital Records is authorized to release marriage records, as well as Certificates of Record in divorce cases. Fees are charged for the issuance of their certified copies. So, we therefore have the choice of going it ourselves in gathering California Marriage Records or hire professional help to perform the task for us. It's an individual thing and each has its own merits and setbacks. Obviously, marriage records from free sources save money but their standards inevitably won't match up to those from fee-based ones. Often too, circumstances demand that such information is obtained through certified bodies thus ruling out the DIY (do-it-yourself) option. Within the state of California, you can view Marriage Records Search at the Public Health office in each county or request them via email or internet. Contact the California Department of Public Health Office of Vital Records to obtain the lists of necessary forms and fees for acquiring official copies of both marriages and divorces. But be forewarned - getting marriage records on your own takes some work and waiting time. The California Office of Vital Statistics has a backlog of up to six months. They advocate going directly to the incumbent county offices in person to view and request copies of all types of public records. It is advisable to enquire ahead through telephone as different counties require different forms and fees for this service. A practical solution to get around the lead-time and legwork is by turning to commercial record providers. With their experience and infrastructure, they can speed things up considerably for you. They can turnkey the whole thing for you. Their service includes searching and retrieving the California Marriage Index based on the information that you supply, placing order for them and follow through on the delivery of their certified copies. Providing Public Marriage Records commercially is a professional service and the industry is immensely competitive. That's a good thing for consumers as this drives up the quality of service and keep the prices down. Fees are typically quite affordable by normal standards and users often find the superior speed and efficiency well worth the cost. On top of that, many of these information brokers maintain large databases of marriage records and offer free viewing to potential customers. With over 36 million residents living in California today, on top of the hundreds of millions in years past, there are quite a bit of California marriage records on file and archive. Finding just the ones spot-on is potentially daunting and error-prone for the amateur. In all practicality, it will be worth the cost to hire professionals for the task. After all, the subject of marriage records is hardly ever a trivial matter. Looking for California Marriage Records? We can help you but let us recommend our choice of paid California Marriage Records.
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