If you know how to cut men's hair the proper way, you will be aware of the fact that you do not need to be a specialist stylist or acquire a difficult technique in order to do so. Each hairstylist has his own style and prefered technique when it comes to cutting hair. Have you ever wondered why in some instances the barber will wet someone's hair and when it is your turn to sit down, your hair is cut dry? When hair is sheered or the barber makes use of a razor, it is better to wet the hair. When the barber make use of a clipper or do blending it is done on dry hair, because it is easier to see what way the hair falls in their natural position. If not requested otherwise, the majority of hairstylists or barbers opt for blocking the neckline. However, it is important to know what the difference blocking or tapering the neckline will make on you specific. Blocking the neckline make the neck appear bold and square which is a good option for someone with a slender neck. Tapering the neckline will do just the opposite and make the neckline look more slender and longer looking. A disadvantage of blocking the neckline is that the hair grows out more obvious because it is blocked higher than the actual hairline. Therefore, it is wise to have the block as low as possible into the neck. Cross checking is used to make sure that the entire haircut is well proportioned and even balanced, however according to most of today's hair trends it is an outdated use for cutting men's hair. In order to have a good perspective on the cut, the barber usually either look in the mirror or stands away a few steps. When cutting real short hair or hair with a dark colour, it needs to be done where there proper light is present. One common mistake while cutting men's hair is to cut obvious visible tracks.To prevent this, a clipper is used and the barber starts cutting at the base of the neck while holding the blade of the clipper on the skin. When moving the clipper upwards towards the top of your head, he swivels the clipper blade until just the back of the blade make contact with the hair. Barbers that does not add the finishing touches by cleaning the lines of the sideburns, around the ears and the neckline neglects a part of the hair cutting process that completes and provide a proper finished off look. Unfortunately, it does not matter how good the cut is, if it is not neatly finished off, the complete haircut appears to be untidy. To discover men's hairstyle ideas and great hairstyle tips that will make your hairstyle look great on you, visit coolmenshair.com.
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