No sissy: Gone are the days being called a sissy or babe if strike a pose with a well groomed and maintained long hairstyle. The baby bottom and San Quinton styles are so yesterday. Metro men are in tune with the latest and greatest. developments in style including hairstyles. Punk is out: Stay away from punk hairstyles as they do not exactly fall within the long hairstyle category and are so 80's. Au naturale: If you are not sure about a certain hairstyle- keep it natural. With natural or neutral styling you are always safe. By natural I am not referring to the dirty caveman look. Natural is a reference to nothing weird and way-out in terms of colour or style. Currently the most popular look is the "Urban look" but exercise caution as the hair should not be longer than shoulder length. For a little more texture rather go for a medium to long shag. Layering is also great not only for female hairstyles but also for men as it gives the effect of thicker and softer hair.. The textured effect is created by use of a razor instead of scissors. Still high fashion is the "bed head" look created by spiking the hair. The success or failure of your "bed head" will rest in appearing messy without looking dirty and scruffy. Match your face shape: Make sure that style you choose matches your face. Long hair unfortunately does not suit any face shape. Be inspired by your favourite film stars, magazines, internet and television. Just check that you and the person you want to copy the style from share some resemblance, preferable the same bone structure.. For example Jay Leno can not have the same hairstyle as David Beckham. Your hairstylist or hairdresser will also be able to shed light on the most popular and high fashion styles that will suit you. Hair tips: Invest in quality hair care products especially shampoo and conditioner. This will help with hair breakage, split ends and overall health Salon endorsed is the best choice. However these products are a little more expensive. Don't be afraid to use shampoo, please. There is nothing on earth that turns of a person off quicker than oily, smelly hair. If you are not into wash hair often, rather settle for a short or skin style. Visit your hairstylist regularly as trimming is of the utmost importance to keep your mane healthy and strong. Suwarnaadi is a hairstylist. Visit the men’s hairstyles gallery to check out on the latest buzz in men's long hairstyles.
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