Girls love Emo boys, they are sensitive, show their feelings, are never afraid to be sad if the mood takes them and they have great style. This popular form of youth culture is generally the style that the shy boy goes for. They traditionally wear a piercing in their lip, but may have more facial piercings. They are artistic individual boys who would rather take a class in art than go and build a six pack in the gym (they leave this to the "Jocks"). Rebellion against the establishment has always been embraced by various youth cultures through history. Expected norms are not what Emo is about, you may find them kissing, even though they are not gay, they do this because they can! They will also more than likely listen to the kind of music that no-one else is interested in and pay attention to dressing, their hair and make-up to enhance their individuality. Making the face appear paler by means of foundation is something that most Emo boys do. They also use eye-liner, heavy mascara and often dark eye-shadow colors. The eyes are typically outlined, bottom and top to accentuate the darkness and depth of the eyes more fully. Although you don't generally find them wearing lip color, they will if they feel like it. Emo style haircuts are a vital element of completing the true look. Color and cut are equally important. Regardless of whether the hair is long or short it will either be very dark or very light in color. With Emo girls preferring a two toned appearance that may be black on top and red underneath. These haircuts are all different, they are used to ensure that their individual personality is expressed. The word Emo was born out of the band which played in the 1980's in Washington DC. These bands were not afraid to express emotion on stage and they did. This was more or less during the "Punk" era, and this culture is still very popular today, with both teens and youths in their early 20's embracing it. As a rejection of mainstream trends, Emo certainly has its place in culture. You have to be daring to be Emo, even if you are a shy guy. An expression of individuality is only as good as its creator, and needs to be carried off with confidence for that person to feel comfortable. They generally wear, canvas shoes, tight black or other jeans, vintage clothing, many armbands, studded belts, t-shits with branding or rock banks printed on them and quite often beanies. As far as individuality goes, Emo is able to express this more than adequately, while still being contemporary. Emo boys who dress the part know this well and they have killer style. To discover emo boys styles, fashion ideas and great tips that will make your style look great on you, visit
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emo, emo boys, style,