Is brown vaginal discharge normal? No, it is not a color we associate as being a healthy sign. What we deem normal is when it appears clear and whitish. The amount of discharge loss differs in every woman. Some women produce little discharge while others see it every day. Vaginal discharge is a usual body function and should not be classed as unclean or unhealthy. It is a way for your body to get rid of fluid and old cells. Discharge can change color, become heavier, or smell different. Changes as such are normally caused by vaginal infections, which can have you experience vaginal irritation and itchiness also, but having said that changes is not always a sign of a vaginal infection either. Other symptoms of infection can include itching swelling bad odor green, yellow, or greyish discharge foamy and cottage cheese texture Possible causes of brown discharge can be genital warts, a matter we will address later. Other likely causes and their symptoms Pelvic inflammatory disease symptoms Off food Fertility problems Infertility Abdominal pain Brown vaginal discharge Gonorrhea (STD) Symptoms Pain Mouth lesions Brown or Yellow vaginal discharge Another STD is Chlamydiia Loss of appetite and weight Rectum discharge Fertility issues Brown vaginal discharge Cervical Cancer Symptoms Painful intercourse Vaginal discharge Vaginal pain Brown vaginal discharge Vulvovaginitis Symptoms Pain Urethra pain Yellow discharge Vaginal dryness Brown vaginal discharge Menopause Symptoms Depression Unpleasant urine odor Burning sensation in mouth Clammy skin Brown vaginal discharge All the above conditions bring a show of brown vaginal discharge. It is important for a vaginal examination to be done by your GP to find out if one of the above mentioned is the possible cause of we need to treat and cure. If genital warts are the problem then seek treatment right away. Genital warts locate around the genitals and are caused by a viral skin disease. They are a type of sexually transmitted disease. They are also called penile warts, and venereal warts. If you have picked up a sexually transmitted disease, it does not make you a dirty person, the disease yes is dirty, but you are not. The infection is passed on through sexual contact, so you can become infected during your first sexual encounter which makes you more "unlucky" than dirty. Human papilloma virus (HPV) is held accountable for genital warts. Common spots where see genital warts appear, are on the penis, vulva, urethra, vagina, cervix, and around the rectum, practically covering all the genital area. Warts on the outer genitals show as lifted, flesh-colored lesions that happen singly or in mounds. Warts that look like a cauliflower, has happened because more times than not treatment was sought after to late, therefore giving the warts chance to grow and spread. The vagina and cervix are common places that the HPV virus affects most frequent. The warts located here are flat and quite difficult to spot. It is vital to seek medical advice as this virus can result in cancerous and precancerous changes in the cervix. Regular pap smears are important as they regularly pick up on other vaginal abnormalities, and HPV being one. If two conditions combine together like HPV and herpes then it ups the odds for cervical cancer. Not everyone gets genital warts because they follow the golden rules that help protect them from the infection. Below are some pointers that may help you prevent them from happening to you. You are at high risk for getting genital warts if you: Have many sexual partners Not knowing if your partner is already infected Sexually active from a young age If you smoke or drink Stress I cringe each time I come to the matter of children but if a child you know has genital warts, then alarm bells need to ring in your ears, and you need to be alert that sexual abuse is not a possible cause. By doing this you will be protecting the child. Sometimes with genital warts there are often no symptoms but should there be any you might see or experience: Vaginal bleeding after sex Rise in dampness or moisture in the region of the growths Near all over genital Itching Plenty of vaginal discharge Genital Warts like with most infections will not go away without medical treatment. No matter what brand of antiseptic wash or creams you use they won`t work. The time you waste on using products deemed useless is putting your health more at risk. Particular STDs left without immediate medication can have severe consequences. In some cases death is known. Genital warts must be treated by a medical expert. Surgical treatments include cryosurgery, electrocauterization, laser therapy, or cutting them out. Genital warts don`t always show for months to years after having sexual activity with an infected person. The strong advice given in relation to keeping you from threat of contacting STIs is to wear a condom. This is by far sound advice but in saying that, male/female condoms cannot fully protect you, however still to be worn. Sometimes a brown discharge is usually a blood discharge but of course this will need to be determined by your doctor. If there is bleeding and it is slight, it can change color again, due to time lapse. The longer discharge takes to reach the outside it can turn from red or black to brown in the process. The bleeding issue can be caused by many things i.e. infections and erosions (raw patches on the cervix.) If you have just started taking the contraceptive pill and maybe showing a brown discharge after your last period then have it checked out because it could be a Pill-related effect. Other is, you could have what is known as cervical erosion - a little inflamed spot on the cervix, but once again this is for your doctor to establish. Never leave anything to chance because you increase the chances of worsening your condition. How women are curing their own Vaginal Thrush infection and treating their problem Dry Vagina successfully
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