Mini-blinds are simply effective window treatments that home owners must have. However, there are those who shun from installing blinds if only because of the certain degree of cleaning them once they get dirty. For those who have bought their own sets, they definitely would like to learn how to really clean their blinds in an effective yet easy manner. While to clean you mini blinds might require difficult work, it certainly will not take you long hours to actually finish cleaning one. Still cleaning mini blinds will require from you great care. First step in cleaning blinds is not to wet them with water at once. This is a common mistake of many people. Especially if you have dusty blinds, you must first dust them off using some old piece of dry cloth. If you have a small vacuum, then this can be effective in sucking off the dirt from your blinds. Afterwards, you can wash your blinds with plenty of water and some soap solution. Wet them completely with a hose or just under some running water. After getting them thoroughly wet, apply the solution in all areas with some sponge or cloth. Afterwards, just have the blinds under running water again. You must wipe them with some clean piece of cloth. Let them air dry afterwards. An excellent tip in cleaning your blinds is to have anti-static sheet of cloth rubbed on them. This will prevent dust from building up on your mini blinds. If you want to know which among mini blinds are easiest to dust and clean, these are the faux and vinyl blinds. For more interesting articles on mini blind hardware and window mini blinds in general, do visit our Mini Blinds Stuff blog.
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window, mini, blinds, treatments, cleaning,