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Details and Attributes For Self Help And Spiritual Guidance In Quartz Family Crystals (part two) by Fabiola Groshan

Details and Attributes For Self Help And Spiritual Guidance In Quartz Family Crystals (part two) by
Article Posted: 12/16/2008
Article Views: 331
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Details and Attributes For Self Help And Spiritual Guidance In Quartz Family Crystals (part two)

Quartz Crystals have many unique properties and attributes and can carry one to all of these properties in each Crystal to help us to learn valuable spiritual lessons. Some of these are listed below:

GENERATOR - A single generator crystal has six facets meeting equally in a sharp point. Large or small, this powerful crystal is the optimum shape for generating energy. A generator crystal optimises healing energy. It aids focus and clarity of intention. A generator cluster is very large with many long points, each of which can be programmed for a specific purpose. A generator cluster brings a group together in peaceful harmony – each person can have a point programmed specifically for them. It is extremely useful for generating healing energy and is often placed in the centre of a healing group.

ISIS - The Isis (or Goddess) crystal has a dominant face, which is five-sided, often with a tall sharp point like an arrowhead. This crystal is extremely useful for healing anything that is broken – body, mind, emotions or spirit. It can be used to integrate spiritual energies into the emotional body, bringing in more balanced and joyful emotions, and to ameliorate over identification with the suffering of others. This crystal can take you deep into your own heart for healing, insights and acceptance. Helpful for men who want to get more in touch with their feeling nature, it can also assist sensitive children to stabilise their nature. An Isis crystal is beneficial for anyone who is facing transition.

KEY – these crystals have an aperture or indentation in one of the sides. This indentation provides a doorway to unlock parts of the self that are normally kept hidden or to access hidden information of any kind. Meditating with one of these crystals reveals what is being hidden from you, especially by your subconscious mind, sweeping away illusion. It is an excellent tool for letting go of anything that holds the soul back and for tie cutting.

LASER QUARTZ - is a naturally formed, long, slender Quartz crystal that tapers toward the termination, which has very small faces. Its sides are often slightly curved. It should never be randomly pointed at anyone else and must be used only with clarity of intention. If this advice is followed, it is an amazing healing tool! A laser quartz wand focuses, concentrates, and accelerates the energy passing through it into a tight beam that acts like a laser. Suitable for psychic surgery, it stimulates acupuncture points and can reach tiny structures deep within the body. This wand can detach entities or attachments and ties to other people, and cuts away negativity of all kinds. It provides powerful protection for the aura and physical body. At a mental or emotional level, it removes inappropriate attitudes, outmoded thought patterns and energy blockages.

MIRRORS - A Mirror facilitates clarity of mind and provides a doorway to other levels of being – it also reflects your inner state.

OCCLUSIONS - An occlusion is usually formed from a deposit of another mineral within a Quartz crystal. It is a cloudy patch or spots depending on the minerals. Minerals may also be deposited on an external face and show through when viewed from the other side. An occlusion radiates the energy of the mineral, focused and amplified by the Quartz surrounding it. Occlusions in this form are often Goethite or Black Tourmaline. This mineral can teach one to enjoy the journey in life while balancing progression toward the goal. It enhances communication on the physical plane and strengthens the connection with other worlds and beings in those worlds. It can be used to alleviate distractions and to provide for intensified concentration.

PHANTOMS - A Phantom crystal appears ghostlike within the body of a larger crystal. Owing to the method of its formation, a phantom has absorbed learning over eons of time. Putting the past into perspective, it points the way toward growth and evolution and is helpful in overcoming stagnation. Phantoms come about by an interruption in the growth process of the crystal, which caused an outline to form within the crystal when it continued growing. At some point, millions of years ago, the crystal stopped growing because there was not enough mineral material to continue its growth. When new mineral material became available the crystal began to grow again but a layer of another material may be included in the crystal, outlining where this stop/start process occurred. A Phantom crystal symbolises universal awareness. Its purpose is to stimulate healing for the planet and to activate healing abilities in individuals. For this purpose, it connects to a spiritual guide and enhances mediation. It also facilitates accessing the Akashic record, reading past lives and recovering repressed memories to put the past into context. They help understand that growth requires the right materials and is a continual process, even if there are breaks in-between the stages of growth. They help provide the patience and trust needed to remain open to the Divine Love and generosity, which surrounds us - helping us to understand that, even though we may not get what we want, we always get what we need. Phantoms can help us trace back down our time line into past lives, adding true understanding to the meaning of the word growth. Meditating on the wispy veils of a phantom helps us see beyond that veil and the illusions that so often hold us back, to reveal our true self and our reason for being.

RECORD KEEPERS - A Record keeper crystal has clearly etched pyramid shape(s) on its side or sides. Sometimes these shapes are separated, so that the face is covered with triangles, others show only one, and some are grooved around each other in a chevron pattern. These crystals are often, but not necessarily, clear Quartz. They symbolise the perfect harmony of mind, body, emotions and spirit and the all-seeing eye. Record keepers hold the imprint of all that has gone before and are portals for spiritual wisdom. Discrimination and integrity are needed when working with a record keeper. Placed with a triangle on the third eye, this crystal can be meditated with to access the personal or collective past or retune to your own wisdom, and to facilitate insights for evolution. The crystal can be held and gently rubbed with a finger over the pyramid, which will ‘open the book’. Record keepers are an excellent way to explore your inner self. They can act as a catalyst for growth and aid in removing obstacles to progress. Reenergising your whole being, they can prevent burnout.

SOUL MATE OR TANTRIC TWIN - A Soul mate crystal does exactly what its name suggest – draws a Soul mate to your side – although this Soul mate may not be a sexual partner. Soul mate crystals, or Tantric twins, are a pair of crystals growing from a common base, joined together along one side but with distinct and separate terminates. Tantric means ‘union of energies’. Soul mate crystals are beneficial for all kinds of relationships. The closer they are in size, the more harmonious will be the partnership. These stones have a powerful message concerning the bonding of two people into a close and intimate relationship. They teach how to be unique and separate, while united in equal partnership.

TRANS-CHANNELLER - A Trans-channelling crystal combines the channelling and the transmitter crystal. It has a rare formation of three seven-sided facets, between each of which is a perfect triangular face. This is said to be a highly creative crystal, which is dedicated to the service of humankind and which can access the highest personal and collective wisdom, bringing intuitive awareness into any situation.

TRANSMITTER - has two seven-sided facets with two perfect triangles between them. They can be used to send long-distance healing or for energy or thought transmissions. Linking to the purest possible vibrations, they open the intuition and attract wisdom and communication from higher realms.

WARRIOR QUARTZ - these are Old Souls which have done the rounds and come out battered and bruised with a tale or two to tell. They understand about how to start all over again. They normally have great warmth and empathy. They usually have a fair few rubs and dings or more serious wounds which, if Etched or Self Healed adds to their interest and properties.

WINDOWS - Flat faces on a crystal are called windows. Windows may form in a diamond shape, some large, some small, which facilitate clarity of the mind and the organisation of information received from different levels of being. Gazing into a window takes you deep inside yourself or enables you to read information for someone else. A true diamond window is large and connected to the apex and the base, but even small diamond windows can assist the balance between the spiritual and the material worlds, facilitating living in everyday reality while at the same time being connected to a greater reality. Windows provide a doorway into other levels of being and a deep connection with the self. They reflect the inner state of being and causes of dis-ease and can help to find a missing person’s whereabouts or surroundings if a strong enough picture of the person is projected into the centre of the crystal. While specific facet shapes are most obvious on large crystals, even the smallest Quartz point may have a ‘window’ formed out of the facets. A left-facing parallelogram window shape will take you back into the past. A left-facing parallelogram window shape will take you back into the past. Facing the opposite way, the same shape will take you forward to the future. A differently contoured window will help you to channel or to transmit healing energy over long distances.

For more resources about Colour Therapy or even about Healing Crystals please review this site

Related Articles - Colour Therapy, Healing Crystals,

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