Dog vitamins and nutritional supplements and minerals are some of the most significant components in a healthful pet diet. Certainly if the vitamins and supplements in the everyday of your dog is balance, then it will have a very healthy and healthful life. You do not have to worry about it becoming sick as it has a strong immunity system, and hence, prepared to resistance all sorts of dog illnesses and conditions. Owners should be aware of the different types of pet vitamins. For example, the fat soluble vitamins are the A, D, E, K vitamins. These are the water soluble type of dog vitamins. On the other hand, cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine and thiamine are very important vitamins that help in the healthy function of the nervous system of your pet. Vitamin A is good for the skin and eyes of your beloved animals. If it gets to become deficient in Vitamin A, this will lead to skin lesions and eye conditions such as night blindness. Vitamin D works for the bones of your dog. A deficiency on this type of vitamin will lead to the bone and skeletal weakening and softening. While pet vitamin deficiency is one of the most common dietary problems, not to be ignored is another problem which is dog vitamin toxicity. This can also happen especially if animal owners have the wrong notion that giving their pets excessive vitamins will do them good. Actually, excessive vitamins like A and D can cause toxicity and lead to internal organ problems and even death. Hence it is a must that the right dosage of dog vitamins and minerals should be administered to your dogs to maintain excellent health condition. Avoid too much vitamin feeding to prevent toxicity from happening. For more interesting and relevant articles and discussions on dog vitamins, preventive pet medicine and pet dogs and cats in general, do visit our Pinoy Pet Blog.
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