Steroids have been linked with body building since ages. The anabolic steroids were invented by three scientists at the same time and they applied these on dogs for the purpose of experimentation. With positive results in hand they then tried it on human. The first artificially synthesized steroid is Testosterone, which is also naturally secreted inside the bodies of the men but in limited quantity. People observed that it has huge impact in increasing the stamina of the athletes and bodybuilders. The muscle mass which could be naturally built with strict diet and vigorous exercising can now be obtained easily with careful usage of the steroids. The trend of taking steroids for bodybuilding was first practiced by American bodybuilders. The usage of steroid is legal till the time they are being used as medication for fatal diseases. But if you are using steroids for the purpose of bodybuilding then that is considered to be illegal. There are many sports organizations which have banned the intake of steroids. The most important reason behind it is that the bodybuilder gets some undue advantage with the help of the steroids and this leads to unfair competition with the natural bodybuilders. There are numerous adverse effects that has been observed in the bodybuilders due to their regular steroid consumption. Initially you will be filled with exuberance when you stand in front of the mirror and see your body completely in shape like that of your favorite sports icon. But in the long run you are sure to experience the severe side-effects. One of the most harmful effects of experienced by men due to the intake of steroids is reduced sperm count. The steroids will increase the sternness and impatience in you which will create unhealthy impact on your lifestyle and relationships. They are also known to pave the way to sterility which is probably the most undesired effect of the steroids. If women are consuming steroids then chances are there that they will develop some male features in their physical symptoms. All in all the steroids seem to be a great option for bodybuilding but then the side-effects sometimes prove to be life-threatening. However, it is a sincere wish that your discretion should always favor your life rather than lust. If you?re trying to use steroids its recommended that you use something that is very close to steroids and can give you the same or close to same results. Their area many legal steroids out there that you might want to take a look at. DP - Health Supplement Researcher legal steroids hgh spray
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