One main feature which Google uses for ranking websites is traffic. To determine if a website is worth ranking or not, Google keeps looking at traffic. Two-tier link building is very important as it helps in bringing more traffic and is also useful for SEO. Before knowing the importance of first-tier kinks, it is important to know the difference between first/second/third tier links and what a second-tier link means. First-tier links are the website links that link directly to the website. For instance, when you write guest posts or content on your company’s behalf, the type of links you include in the post that can directly link to your site is first-tier links. On the other hand, second-tier links are the links directed to the Free guest posting sites having the links to your site. For instance, sharing a message on social media while linking to the guest post that links directly to your site. Such social media message link is known as the second link. Some importance of second-tier links are as follows- Regular Traffic Few SEO experts don’t like to spend much of their time and effort on second-tier links since these links don’t provide any ranking merits. However, when you send traffic to the guest post or content, and more people click on your site link, you tend to get more traffic to your website. Therefore one main importance of second-tier links is that they help in regular traffic. More Authority There are ranking benefits when you write a guest post or blog for another site as you stay associated with a high domain authority website. Therefore, if another high authority domain site links to your blog or guest content, you derive some benefits. Referral Traffic Second-tier links help you to get a chance to increase your readers who can view your guest content or post, and then they’ll also visit your blog or website. It hardly matters if the link present on your guest blog is ‘ no follow’ type of link since referral traffic won’t stop visiting your traffic. More Relevance Relevance is an important consideration when it comes to ranking factors. Second-tier links are important because they link you automatically to another site. So the site where you’ve written the guest post will have relevance to your website, and the other site that links to your guest blog or post will also be relevant to the topic you’ve. When your site is relevant with the link building and keywords, it becomes easier for the search engine to know and understand your site. Therefore, associate your website with more websites in your industry or niche to enable google to understand your site. More Customers With the help of secondary links, potential readers and customers can locate your site. When other websites link to your guess blog or content, they’ll likely be interested in your site /industry. In this way, readers from second-tier link sites can be your customers. Opportunities for second-tier link building are continuing to grow. If you want to improve the ranking of your website with the help of link building, you can contact us and get valuable tips and suggestions on it.
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