Not all babies suffer from colic and if they do, it should go away by the time they turn four months old. If a baby gets colic, it will usually start around two weeks of age but if they are premature, it could be later. It does not matter what sex your baby is, or whether you bottle-or-breast feed them. No one knows why one baby will get colic and another will not. You can usually tell if it is colic if they are not sick and hungry cries for more than three hours a day for more than three days and more than three weeks. There are colic treatments Ocean County parents can do to help their child through this period. Here are several colic treatments in Ocean County that you can try. Feeding tips - When feeding your baby, whether it is bottle or breast milk, make sure that you are helping them to swallow less air. When bottle feeding there are special bottles that you can use that are designed to help reduce gas. You can also use a nipple that has a smaller hole. With either breast or bottle feeding, make sure that they are sitting up when they eat so they swallow less air. Burp your baby during and after feedings.
Sound and motion - Rock or walk your baby because many times motion helps to calm them down. You can also put them in a baby carrier that you wear over your chest or hold them close to your body because the combined rhythm and warmth may lull them to sleep. You can also put them in a swing or a stroller and take them for a walk. You can also put them in their car seat and go for a drive.
- Some will respond to the gentle hum of a machine such as a clothes dryer but do not put the baby on top of the dryer. The motion of the dryer could cause the carrier to fall off. You can also turn on a fan, but not directly on the baby as this could chill them, run the vacuum, or use a machine or app to play white noise. Sometimes playing a heartbeat or classical music soundtrack will help.
Calm their senses - Swaddle them snuggly in a blanket
- Try infant massage
- Give them a warm bath
- Lay them on their back in a quiet dark room
- Rub their backs while they are laying across your lap
- Give them a cold or warm pacifier to suck on.
- Put a warm water bottle on their belly but first cover it with a towel and make sure it is warm, not hot.
Conclusion Before you start to treat your baby for colic, make sure that you take them to their pediatrician first because many health conditions can look like colic. They could have an infection, stomach issues or acid reflux, sensitivity to breast milk, or formula, and more. Try these colic treatments in Wall and if they do not help, then see their pediatrician.
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