Magnetic NDT Testing, a process developed in the industrial space to detecting surface and slightly subsurface discontinuities in ferromagnetic materials such as iron, nickel, cobalt, and some of their alloys. What is the process? The process is to create an electromagnetic field to test an object. The magnetic current is perpendicular to the electric current which is some form of alternating or direct current. The presence of discontinuity from the surface pressures the magnetic flux to leak. The particles could be dry or a wet suspension. To identify a leak, ferrous particles, either dry or in a wet suspension, are applied to a part. These are then attracted to the area of flux leakage and form what is known as an indication, which is evaluated to determine its nature, cause, and course of action. The whole process works on magnetic materials only. With NDT Yoke machine you get the best in the industry. So choose from the latest eddy current sorter to the electromagnetic yoke. Common trends for choosing an inspection method for a wet horizontal machine: 1. The first step is to clean the parts with oil and other contaminants 2. Necessary calculations to understand the current required to process this examination 3. The magnetic field is applied for 0.5 seconds. Before the process is completed the operator washes off the contamination. 4. Further UV is applied to look for defects to the same path where the current has flowed. Indications are visualized only between 45 to 90 degrees. The next step involves either accepting or rejecting the particle and demagnetization follows. 5. In case of different situations and requirements, the magnetic field may be flickered. Specifically to 90 degrees to inspect for indications detected from 3 to 5. 6.The process of changing magnetic field is commonly called coil shot. As one of the experienced technocrats in the industry, we believe that we own the best machinery when it comes to magnetic particle separation or magnetic crack detection. Magmatic Solutions has remained the best sellers of magnetic NDT Yoke machines. With the invention of magnetic particle powder, it is one of the best solutions. In case of wet system particle, the range is between 0.5 to 10 micrometers. For Dry powders, it is up to 170 micrometers. MRK red oil base powder is one of the top-selling products of Magmatic range. NDT Yoke Machines are the top-selling product at Magmatic Online. Check out more on our website for all the related information.
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