For the past week I’ve been thinking about the vetting process for the latest Supreme Court justice, Brett M. Kavanaugh, which included some high-school-stuff allegations by Christine Blasey Ford. Wow! What a circus. The whole shebang gave the world—especially the Europeans—another reason to laugh at us for being uncouth, uncultured clods. I hope nothing from my high school days comes back to haunt me, but then again, that was a more innocent era—as far as I know. Truthfully, I do remember being preoccupied with bosoms, but knew I wasn’t supposed to touch them. Here’s why: A friend groped a well-endowed classmate during a make-out session and received an unexpected result. Forty years later he said his ears still rang from her solid right hook. When I was 22, the 43-year-old wife of my boss’s boss backed me into a corner with “evil” intent. Yes, alcohol was involved. The event was scary and thrilling at the same time. Similarly, there have been other times when women have put an unsolicited full-court-press on me. Rather than look at the situations as traumatic, and an opportunity to go ballistic with a #metoo attitude, I chose to be flattered. But that’s me. That said, if some dirtbag tried to pull something untoward on my wife or daughter, I’d want to hurt him—really badly. For the Kavanaugh – Ford spectacle, the big takeaway for me was the vast number of citizens and media who presumed allegation equals guilt. It was a shock to observe how the constitutional right of “innocent until proven guilty” was lost on so many. The millennials I give a pass. I mean, how could they know? Who taught them? Certainly not the crop of today’s teachers. And even though the teachers, many of whom are just to the right of leftwing bomb-throwers, have been indoctrinated as socialists, they can’t teach what’s not on the curriculum. US and World History has been revised to fit with the current PC-culture. How do I know? I used to grade nationwide state board/aptitude tests for grades eight through twelve—English, history, social studies, math, and science. It was the media and elected officials who stunned me. I want to believe they know the difference between allegation and guilt, but chose to remain ignorant because it suits their purposes. In my opinion, their overarching objective is to oppose anything and everything that originates in the present White House. It seems they’d rather have the country fail than the current administration be successful—at anything. New African-American surgeon general appointed (crickets); unemployment at 3.7% (crickets); lowest minority unemployment (crickets); NAFTA renegotiated (crickets); progress with North Korea (crickets), etc., etc. When the stock market kept running up and up—crickets—but as it’s starting to correct and come down—celebration. What’s with that? I get that they’re angry about losing in 2016; and I admit that the winner is a self-promoting lightning rod. But, c’mon folks, get over it and move on. Stop kvetching and plan ahead! If the DNC hadn’t fixed the primaries for the party’s most obnoxious candidate (who is also lumbered with negative charisma) the outcome might have been different. I mean, she made John “Lerch” Kerry seem charming. Learn the lesson. Stop wallowing in denial. Instead they carry on about the popular vote. Well and good, but that’s not the system. To solve a problem, first, admit there is one, and second, figure out the root cause so remedial action may be taken. That means to understand the electoral college system; then analyze 1) what-went-right; 2) what-went-wrong; and 3) what action should be taken on the difference. Simple. But, oh no, let’s moan and complain that the nation’s founders are screwed up, and even the Constitution should be set aside for our new politically correct, socialist paradise. Let’s take a moment to explore the 2016 election results given that the democratic candidate had about 1.5 million more popular votes. First, it’s estimated that California alone had 2.0 million votes cast for HRC by illegals—not even the state challenges that. They sniff, “So what? They deserve the vote along with all the benefits they’ve been receiving.” But let’s set that aside. The GOP candidate won the state count by 31 to 19. He won the county count by 3,084 to 57. However, for the five counties that comprise New York City, the Democrat candidate won by more than 2.0 million votes. Those counties comprise 319 square miles. The remaining counties total 3,797,000 square miles. That should give you a clue about the intent of the design of the electoral system. For more, look it up yourself. I don’t have the time or space to educate the lazy. Perhaps you think my last statement is snotty, but I’m also giving you a clue about the mindset of the whining protestors hammering on the Supreme Court doors; the vast majority of whom do not do their own thinking. Aside: Once in New York I saw a protestor holding a sign that read, GLEN BECK LIES. I asked the guy what Beck lies about. His answer, “I dunno. They gave me $50 and a sandwich and told me to hold this sign.” Fascism in action, folks. I want the Democrat Party to right the ship—become the Party of Harry Truman and John Kennedy; be liberals not progressive (actually regressive) socialists; be the party of the working man and woman, not of the academic elite and Hollywood. Liberals welcome open debate. Liberals do NOT shout down and/or bar speakers from campuses because they have a different philosophy. Liberals do NOT control the media such that all channels but one—the hated Fox News Network—parrot their mantra and talking points of the day. Liberals do NOT attack people for wearing hats or shirts that do not agree with their worldview. Liberals do NOT align people into “us” versus “them” for the purpose of divide-and-conquer. Aside: I recently saw a panel discussion on MSNBC where a so-called pundit put forth the theory that Asians in America are contributing to white supremacy because they achieve too much. (WHA…???) Around the table no one challenged his statement. Instead they knowingly nodded their heads. No. Fascists do what is described above. To paraphrase what Pogo once said: You have met the enemy, and it is you. Democrats: Knockoff the allegiance to the PC-culture, and the accompanying naïve ideology, which is blatant Fascism pretending to be manners. Mainly, it promotes the notion that unless you 100-percent agree with us you are either racist, sexist, etc. Just stop! Black Lives Matter totally ignores the huge problem of black-on-black murder and rape in Chicago. Feminists support Islam. Madonna feels like blowing up the White House. Alec Baldwin says the government should be overthrown. Maxine Waters urges mobs to attack Trump voters. Geez, come on! Then there is the media censorship. All networks—except non-sheep FNN—have a single narrative of: Hate Trump! Before ending this diatribe, I’ll mention that I’m a registered Democrat, but a practicing Libertarian. So you’ll understand how I think let me give you a short synopsis of practicing Libertarians: 1) We believe in natural law; i.e., do anything you want unless it harms another. So smoke dope; have gay marriage; get drunk; we don’t care unless someone else is harmed by your action. 2) We support the Constitution. 3) We believe in limited government and taxes; i.e., keep the infrastructure robust and the citizens safe; and help the needy and helpless—but not the clueless and lazy. Examples of clueless and lazy: Two veterans I know. One faked a back injury—big strong guy—to get full disability; plays tennis and golf every day. Another filled out paperwork for hearing loss caused by cannon fire, which he admits was total fiction; and collects $90,000 a year. I’d like the Democrat Party to come back to me, but I’m not optimistic. Here’s why: One “reasonable”, longtime Democrat friend of mine is all caught up in “getting even” with the GOP rather than success of the country. He claims all the “resist” and “not my president” harangue is tit-for-tat for how Obama was treated. I throw the BS flag on that. The print and electronic media fawned all over BO, and practically worshipped the guy. I’ve yet to see anything positive from the media, other than from FNN, relative to the current president. Joe Biden (D) says he longs for the day when the opposing parties would bitterly fight it out on the floor then have a cocktail together. Harry Truman (D) abhorred the GOP and was famous for “giving them hell”, but he was the same Harry Truman who made sure ex-president Herbert Hoover (R) was cared for in the latter’s winter years. I long for civility, and teaming up for the good of the country. Not likely in our social media culture is it? (Sigh) Watch the boat sink. By Gene Myers, too reasonable for my own good.
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Kavanaugh, Ford, allegation equals guilt, DNC, popular vote, Harry Truman, John Kennedy, Fascism, Libertarian, Joe Biden,