Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy is the procedure of removing the gallbladder using the laparoscopic method. The word Cholecystectomy means removal of the gallbladder and Laparoscopic means it is done using a specialized device called Laparoscope. Since this method is less invasive (a few tiny incisions are done into the abdomen), and the recovery time is less, it is quite frequently used nowadays. Cost of laparoscopic surgery is higher than the conventional surgery, but still, it is a preferred choice because of the inherent benefits. Know the laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedure In this surgery, doctors remove the gallbladder by making tiny cuts on the abdomen. A special instrument known as Laparoscope is used for the surgery. It is a thin tube with a micro camera attached to it. The tube is inserted through one of the incisions and doctors see the gallbladder on the screen. Removal of the gallbladder is done with the help of micro equipment, and a different incision is used for taking the gallbladder out. When is it used? The surgical procedure is used when there are stones in the gallbladder. It plays a critical role in the digestion process. It stores bile which is a fluid made in the liver. Bile digests fats in the food. When stones are formed in the gallbladder, they block the flow of bile. As a result, digestion gets hampered. The patient feels nausea, vomiting and bloating. Seldom there is a pain in the chest, back, and abdomen as well. Sometimes, the stones block the ducts that carry the bile fluid to the intestine. Symptoms of jaundice are seen in such case. The situation becomes further complex when there is an infection in the bladder. Benefits of Laparoscopic cholecystectomy It is a highly effective surgery that can remove the bladder with minimal trouble. • It causes minimal discomfort than the conventional surgery. • The hospital stay is short, and recovery is fast. • Smaller cars than the conventional procedure. Are there any complications? The procedure is quite safe and easy. However, there is always a possibility of complications in every surgery. One should consult the doctor immediately if: • If inflammation, redness and pain are there at the incisions site. • Fever more than 101 Degree Fahrenheit. • Foul smell and fluid draining from the incisions. Surgeons investigate the problem and provide appropriate treatment. Barring these small issues, no major complaints reported by the patients after undergoing laparoscopic surgery of gallbladder. Experienced surgeons will prefer for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy surgery for removing the stones in the gallbladder.
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