Numerous self-proclaimed spiritual groups are targeting the President of the United States with black magic. This suggests significant parts of the metaphysical community either lack understanding of the law of karma, or don’t care about the consequences. Will they ever learn? Anyone who actively intends harm on another individual is evil, not spiritual, no matter how they justify it. Everything you do and say affects your karmic balance sheet, even if nobody is looking. Don’t believe us? Our long-term empirical research strongly supports this theory. You won’t find out for certain if we’re correct until you cross over, but this is a risk you don’t want to take. The Facebook group Bind Trump Magic Resistance has over 1800 members and includes “a number of magical groups” that perform monthly satanic rituals to “bind Donald Trump and all who abet him,” and to make him ”fail utterly.” Rituals include invoking “demons of the infernal realms” and burning photos of President Trump, visualizing him “blowing apart into dust or ash” because, as one group puts it, “(we) wholeheartedly believe that Trump and the rest of the GOP are garbage.” As any sane person with a conscience understands, if you intentionally attempt to hurt someone (no matter who it is) unless it’s in self-defense, you better expect payback somewhere down the line. The trap that these people are placing themselves in is two-fold: they are creating monstrous negative personal karma that they’ll have to balance (read: experience themselves first-hand) at some point in the future, and they are selling their souls to demons. The rough karma is the easy part, compared to the consequences of contracting with demons. You don’t get a get out of jail free card after aligning yourself with satanic energy. According to Manly P. Hall, author of The Secret Teachings of All Ages, once you die, in such an agreement, the respective demons own you, exactly as if you sold yourself into slavery: ” magic is performed with the aid of a demoniacal spirit, who serves the sorcerer for the length of his earthly life, with the understanding that after death the magician shall become the servant of his own demon...For this reason a black magician will go to inconceivable ends to prolong his physical life, since there is nothing for him beyond the grave…a man will barter his eternal soul for temporal power…in its various branches the black art includes nearly all forms of ceremonial magic, necromancy, witchcraft, sorcery, and vampirism…” We’ve witnessed this vicious trap through clients’ and even our own past life regressions. We know from dire experience, many lifetimes ago, how important it is to reject dark energy, no matter how tempting it is to use it. Even those seemingly harmless spells, used to get what you want, can put you at risk of being indentured by demonic forces, especially if your intent is to control another person’s will, or worse, harm them. Ignorance as a defense is futile--anyone who partners with dark forces, especially to harm another, is doomed to suffer the aforementioned fate of enslavement by demons. How to Avoid This Trap To start, make it a habit to never send negative energy to anyone. Sounds easy, but the mere act of being angry with someone can cause you to inadvertently target them. Thoughts are things--be conscious of the energy you generate and what you do with it because the good and bad you send out comes back to you, in time. Our experience tells us there are multitudes of “guides” on the other side that aren’t “of the Light.” These entities are sometimes strongly prejudiced and can be disembodied, troubled souls (or worse) who have not yet gone to the Light. To avoid these types, only ask for help (and only for good-natured, positive goals) from other-dimensional energies, such as archangels and God, of the Light. We believe help is always available to you if you pay attention (regular meditation helps). Spiritual protection prayers and Spiritual Detox help enormously too. Clues that you’ve inadvertently tapped into a mischievous and, or dark entity is biased guidance or anything that feels negative. You can be sure that a guide of the Light won’t judge, such as calling a specific politician disparaging names. What can you do instead of spells or sending negative energy? Ask for help from guides of the Light to shine and maintain intense Light and love on the person and situation. Light and love helps people perceive the truth and make positive choices for the highest good of all involved (which may or may not fit either side’s agenda). Go ahead and ask for help with your goals from guides of the Light, but avoid, at all costs, partnering with demonic forces. Free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 13 Other Spiritual Laws Besides the Law of Attraction. We offer practical spiritual guidance and tools, including Spiritual Detox and Let Go MP3 meditation audios Copyright © Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo
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Satanists target President Trump, demon worship group targets president, black magic, karma, Bind Trump Magic Resistance, satanic rituals, Light,