For most special occasions, chocolate is often the perfect gift. This is especially true on February the 14th, Valentine’s day when we give those special people in our lives delectable, sweet and sublime chocolate Valentine’s Day gifts. In fact, for retailers across the country, the period leading up to February 14th is a major milestone, making a significant contribution to their annual sales and income. The Secret of Chocolate’s Allure Our love affair with chocolate (pun intended), goes back thousands of years to the ancient civilizations of South America. Cocoa beans were highly prized as a potent aphrodisiac and a strong, fermented beverage made from the bean was highly sought after. So strong was the desire for this drink, that only the extremely wealthy could afford it. Of course, in the 21st century, we realize that chocolate isn’t really an aphrodisiac. But, having said that, the sheer delight of eating a delicious bar of chocolate or a praline filled with a delicate sweet concoction is a truly sensuous sensation. We now know the scientific reasons behind our craving for chocolate. Science has determined that chocolate contains both theobromine, which increases blood flow and serotonin levels as well as phenylethylamine, which increases the body’s production of endorphins and dopamine. These naturally occurring chemicals react in our brain to provide us with a similar feeling to that of being in love. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons why so many people associate boxes of chocolates or sweets with Valentine’s Day gifts. After all, they are given with love, and the sensations we experience when consuming them bring us a feeling of warmth and security that we associate with love. Chocolate on the High Street Valentine’s Day is a vital part of the commercial year for sweet shop owners, supermarkets, specialty shops, gift shops and any establishment that provides the public with solutions for special occasions. It’s a period when we expect sales to grow, it’s a period upon which we base our year’s financial planning and count on to generate a large portion of our income. That’s why it is so important that we prepare our shops and display stands properly in advance. We need to be sure that we offer a wide variety of products so that every customer will find something that appeals to their taste, to that of the person they will be giving their Valentine’s Day gifts and to their budget. We also need to arrange our displays so that customers will be able to see all that we have to offer without having to ask. Displays should be attractive, eye-catching and inviting. Finally, the customer should feel welcome and that our sales staff will do all they can to give them the best possible service and the finest possible products. “hf Chocolates” Comes to the Rescue Here at “hf Chocolates” we have been supplying top quality sweets and chocolates to the retail trade for years. Indeed, I can say without any hesitation that we are one of the UK’s leading wholesale suppliers. Our aim is to provide you, the retailer, with the best possible sweets and chocolates for every occasion. Before special dates, we go the extra mile to find and supply the widest and best variety of products so that you will be able to maximise your revenues by attracting returning and new customers to buy their Valentine’s Day gifts from your shop. To see our complete range of fine Valentine’s Day gifts, click here. You won’t be disappointed! Angelina Moufftard works for hf Chocolates, established suppliers with decades of experience supplying sweets and high-end chocolates to retailers across the UK. Working with the most dedicated suppliers from France, Spain, Germany, Holland, Belgium, the USA and the UK, hf Chocolates' great tasting and beautifully packaged Valentine’s Day Gifts add panache to any sweet display.
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