It's important to conduct DOT drug testing. While you want to make sure that it is getting done, it is actually better to do it sporadically as opposed to on a set schedule. You can then be sure that it’s done, but in such a way that employees won’t know when they will be called for the test. Keep Your Drivers Guessing The last thing you want is for your employees to know exactly when they are going to be drug tested. The idea is for it to be random that they never know it’s going to happen. It will provide you with better results because you will know whether they are using or not. If you maintain a set schedule, they could potentially stop using at just the time to provide a clear test - and then go right back to using. This is what you’re trying to avoid. There have been countless people who have been able to successfully pass employee drug testing because they know when the company is going to test. The company has failed because they are predictable. While employees may pass a drug test, you know all too well that they have been able to manipulate the system. Get Results You Can Count On The main reason to conduct DOT drug testing that is sporadic is so you can truly rely on the results. If you know employees are using, but the results come back negative every time, you have yourself a problem. The sporadic aspect keeps everyone on their toes. You can then know that when you test an employee, you can rely on the results. If you can’t get results you can count on, various issues arise. - Employees could be on drugs
- You could be against regulations
- You open yourself up to greater risk
The reality is, you don’t want to deal with any of these issues. If your employees are using, whether it is on work premises or not, you need to find out. Further, if you are in an industry that regulates employees and requires drug testing, such as freight shipping, you need to ensure that you are following all of the necessary protocol when it comes to DOT drug testing. You don’t want to learn that your drug testing standards are not DOT compliant, thus resulting in fines or other problems. You don’t have to do all of the drug testing on your own. You can work with a consortium to manage the entire program for you. This will ensure that all of the services you need are at your fingertips, and they would be authorized to perform various functions so that there is less for you to worry about. Employees who drive for a living expect to be drug tested. It’s part of the job. When you conduct the tests sporadically, you can rely more heavily on the results – and minimize the risks that you expose your business to throughout the year.
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