Ayurvedic medicines work on the principle of bringing the perfect balance in the body. It believes that any disease is caused due to the imbalance of three fundamental elements in our body which is known as “Vata”, “Pitta” and “Kafa”. There are several types of medicines in Ayurvedic therapy, e.g. Gutika or Vati (the tablets), Asava and Arishta (Self-geberated Alcohol based drugs), Churnas (powdered drugs) and the most powerful one Rasayana(miraculous combination of drugs). Ayurvedic Rasayana is considered a miraculous drug that brings longevity, total bliss and complete health. When an expert of Ayurvedic medicines looks into the symptoms, he or she uses the best medicines that work on the fundamental cause of the problem. When normal medicines are ineffective, Rasayanas are used. Rasayanas ensure health and vigor Rasayanas are made from excellent quality fruits, powerful Ayurvedic medicines, and other herbs. They are prepared using the ancient formulae described in the good old books. Since the preparation method is followed line by line mentioned in the ancient books, the product is immensely effective. It is important to note that these medicines are quite strong. Hence, they should be used in the specific way mentioned in the reference books. Purity and accuracy of the process are quite important. Types of Ayurvedic Rasayana Medhya Rasayan: They boost the ability to learn new things. These medicines boost grasping power and enhance retaining and recalling ability. Since the word Medhya means “Something related to the brain”, the medicines in this category should be used under the guidance of an expert Ayurvedic doctor. Amrut Rasayana: It increases strength, vigor, and rigor. Amrut rasayanas can be called “Super Rasayana”. They are not like other conventional medicines which work on the specific ailment only but also bring a great boost to the vitality and power in the body. The positive impact caused by Rasayana doesn’t have any side-effect on the physiology. Ayurveda is based on the concept of wholeness One must realize that the ancient medicinal science of India, Ayurveda is based on the concept of total balance and wholeness of the treatment. Therefore, it emphasizes on Anupana or formula. The medicines prescribed to cure a disease do not trigger imbalance. Since the medicines are based on purely natural ingredients, they are in tune with the mind and body. Whether it is a medicine or nutritional supplement, you achieve remarkable results and detoxifying effects on the physiology. It gives everlasting relief from the ailment. The ayurvedic rasayana is one of the most common ayurveda medicines for various health disorders.
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