“Pen is mightier than sword”. Time and again, this has been proven right. Since time immemorial, culture and civilizations have been pivoted on strong words. In the present world, this truth is not detached from the business field also. Be it an outsourced piece of writing or your own, a blog serves the need of a company. In spite of having many other tools to convey your message, writing imparts the clarity to your idea. Though this has been used as a vital instrument by most of the companies, many have not utilized this route in an effective way. In the age of websites and social media, blogging plays a very important role in boosting your business. There are several advantages attached to blogging. Blogging is a marketing strategy that helps in increasing traffic to your site. Blogs give relevant and sensible content to the customers, thereby pulling them to stay tuned with the site. A company always try to improve their services and products, and it is very much pertinent to convey this to your targeted customers about your updated products. Many ways are there to make the message reach to the maximum. But, blog gives a detailed description, specific features, merits and demerits of the same. This is a way to make the customer trust you, which helps in increasing the customers’ loyalty. Moreover, it makes your website the cornerstone for all other social media arena. Inbound links too can be posted directly to your website, which aids in attracting more people to your site. http://www.vidaan.com/portfolio.php Blogs make the SEO purpose much easier. Fresh contents are always invited to increase search engine optimization, which is necessary to beat your competitors. For this, it is important to list and use keywords that can be used wherever possible. Along with those keywords, related expressions too can be put, while writing your posts. It increases the chance of getting noticed in the very first sight. You can ponder on the related topic that is relevant to the respective field to continue the process. This will enable to increase your rank in a search engine. It has the power to station your brand as an industry leader. An effective and well written article can demonstrate your organization as a leader in that field. You are marketing your skills for getting better results from your business through strong and efficacious writing. If you are a retailer, then you can write blogs about your product, giving the entire attributes. If you add a slice of history too into it, which has the potential to escalate trust among the customers, as history provides the intention behind you coming to the idea of making something. We can give an instance, blogging works like Feng Shui that harmonises human beings and living environment. Feng Shui is considered as a tool that helps in the overall development in life. In the same way, blogs aid in coordinating the area of business with the larger market. Posting relevant blogs at appropriate places can enhance the chemistry of your business. But, the most important part is that blogs are essential to develop and maintain better customer relationships. Customer always likes to be informed and updated. You can make use of their comments or valuable suggestions and propositions to enhance your efficiency. It is always a two way process. You have no survival without a contented customer. While giving precious information, you are giving the liberty to your customer whether to choose you or not. Gone are the days when people used to come to home for marketing for their products. That time, there was always an element of suspicion in the minds of customers if that person should be trusted or not. But, when everything came online, it is giving an ease to the customers regarding the integrity of a company. It is not a rabbit and tortoise story. Business world does not wait for you. It is not that after writing an article, you can take rest. If you wait for the result, your competitors will certainly overtake you. Hence, for announcing your presence, you have to grip yourself in the web world by continuously posting something or the other related to the topic.
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