Exhibition of speed is quite different from speeding violations in California. In simple terms, exhibition of speed can be related to driving at accelerated speed. As a CDL driver, you are more at risk of getting a CDL traffic ticket for exhibition of speed if the officer suspects you of participating in a race-like competition. The race could be against other competitors or with a stopwatch. Exhibition of speed is a misdemeanor. It is mostly due to speeding on highways and displaying intentional signs of danger. As far as punishments are concerned, there will be a fine of up to $500 that may be accompanied by a jail imprisonment of 90 days. You may also be given two-year probation. The consequences can be more severe if your driving record has previous records of similar offences in the past. It is best to hire an attorney who could help reduce the violation. Usually, such tickets are issued when the driver is noticed to intentionally display speeding or a form of racing. The intention could be to catch public attention but may also be a threat to the public. Some common reasons for exhibition of speed are accelerating suddenly after a red signal, wheeling on bikes, tire screeching etc. Causing your car to skid causes a dangerous threat to the surrounding people and property. If you are found intoxicated, it can lead to a DUI and other serious consequences. An attorney can help you with your CDL traffic ticket in California. A skilled law firm will know the technicalities of the law very well and their attorneys can fight against your ticket in court on your behalf. An attorney can often bargain and bring the case to a lower violation like a speeding violation instead of an exhibition of speed. Fighting your case alone is risky and time consuming. It is critical to talk to an experienced lawyer who can significantly reduce the charges or get them dismissed. Resource Box: California Traffic ticket for carpooldouble yellow Attorney : California Traffic ticket for failure to appear violation fta Attorney - If you have received a CDL traffic ticket for exhibition of speed in California, you must contact an attorney. Traffic tickets may seem minor, however the possible consequences could escalate to the suspension of your license and loss of your job.
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