AUDIO PODCASTS DRIVE TRAFFIC TO YOUR WEBSITE Audio podcasts are a great way to drive traffic to your website. When you submit audio to search engines, they seem to pick up on it faster than print. One of the things you are trying to do is to position yourself as an expert, and audio can help. It will increase your name recognition in connection with whatever topic you are speaking about. And, people can take you with them wherever they go. For example, people will often download the podcast to their MP3 players and listen to the information when they are exercising, waiting in an airport or driving. Podcasts can be created from almost any kind of audio on any You can speak into a microphone hooked to your computer. You might utilize a digital voice recorder for the interview, then connect it to the computer to edit. Be sure you have simple audio editing software such as Audacity. This will allow you to edit out any background noise, hesitations, or coughs, One thing you need to be sure to do is to create a script and rehearse the script ahead of time. You might want to record yourself reading the script several ways, several different times. You can take the best of these recordings and edit them into one final product. If you have nothing to read, and don?t think of yourself as an expert on your niche, you might consider interviewing someone who knows more about your topic than you do. You can do this with both of you sitting by the computer, talking into a microphone though that?s not always practical. There are many phone services that will allow you to establish a ?bridge line,? dedicated to your use only. ?Go to Meeting? is one of those services. You will each call into the line, conduct the interview and have the telephone service provider record the conversation for you. They will send that recording to you within one day. Some services will do it within the hour. If you really want to get fancy you can set up a webcast radio program on a service such as Blog Talk Radio. Again, these programs can be recorded and downloaded. I cannot stress enough the need for your conversations to be carefully scripted and There is nothing worse than listening to someone stumble over words read in a monotone voice from an unfamiliar script. Once you are happy with the finished product, you will convert it to an MP3 file and upload it to the internet to get the traffic coming to your site quickly. You will want to submit your podcast to audio submission sites for submission to the search engines. This can take some time and patience.
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audio, podcast, podcasting, mp3, audacity, podcasters,