My Three Year Old is Snoring - Is It Normal by Jason Kassel
My Three Year Old is Snoring - Is It Normal |
Your three year old is going to go through a lot over the years. Teething, growing, curiosity, and all of the wonders that come with these toddler years are part of growing up. One thing you might notice, but not fully expect, is snoring. Snoring might catch you as a surprise if you are not accustomed to hearing toddlers snore. This is something that you might expect from an adult, not a small child. Due to your confusion, you might wonder if this is normal or a sign of something problematic. Generally, there is no reason to worry, but some cases are different. If you think something is wrong, speak with a doctor. Snoring can happen in everyone, including your three year old. A toddler snoring is not a huge concern, even if it surprises you. Typically, a toddler will snore when at a deeper stage of sleep. It could become bothersome or confusing at first, but it is unlikely to lead to anything worse than some loud noises at night. You can speak with a doctor to see if there is anything you can do about it, but, unless there is a bigger problem present that is causing the snoring, you will not have to worry about it. An illness or a problem with the passageway may cause snoring. In these situations, you are going to want to fix the cause to stop the snoring. The snoring is a symptom or a side effect that will stop once the toddler is well again. If there is an illness, you will want to speak with a doctor, get any necessary medications, and treat the illness. For a blocked passageway, speak with a doctor about the cause and see what options are available to you. In these situations, snoring is not your biggest concern, but the cause is something you will want to deal with immediately. For some toddlers, the problem is not snoring but sleep apnea. Sleep apnea will cause coughs, choking, and gasping while the child is asleep, and may even lead to other strange behaviors and sounds. It is not snoring alone and the sound is not normal. If you notice that the snoring is strange, speak with your doctor immediately. Untreated, sleep apnea can cause your toddler to stop breathing in their sleep. It is dangerous. There are ways to fix this, however, so a medical professional can help. MySnoringIs is a website that provides useful information for people looking to stop their snoring or help their partner stop snoring. Full of articles, the site provides well-researched and up-to-date knowledge on all types of information on snoring relief. Read this to learn more about snoring relief.
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snoring, sleep issues, sleep apnea,
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