To a number of people involved in the security world, the physical security information management system or PSIM is perceived as a physical device or tool. Apart from this, they also see the PSIM as a means of providing physical security or safety. To a certain degree, these two distinct perceptions are correct. There is actually software specifically designed to carry the basic PSIM system features. As for being capable of extending physical security, this is one aspect of the PSIM concept where further explanation may have to be presented. In the strictest sense, the PSIM does not provide physical safety to a particular person or even groups of people. Essentially, what the system seeks to carry out is more of a precautionary function whereby potential threat is identified beforehand. This allows any security personnel to take the needed action in order to prevent the situation from further escalating. In a way, it can be said that there is an issue of semantics when it comes to discussing the meaning of PSIM vis-a-vis what this technology has been programmed to do. Semantics aside, however, there is hardly any question as to the effectiveness of the physical security information management system especially in present-day security settings. This can be seen in generally large-scale operations as in the case of airport terminals and mass transport systems. These two sectors alone deal with at least a million different people every single day, and can easily become a security nightmare if no efficient system is in place. Given this, it is not uncommon to find multiple security systems installed in these places. Generally, these serve, not only to provide security to ordinary passengers, but to ensure that daily operations proceed under normal conditions. However, problems can easily arise in these places, and the more common one is when a given security system malfunctions which can have adverse effects on the other systems as well as on the overall operations. With the help of the PSIM, however, such a scenario need not take place needlessly. In all likelihood, the physical security information management system software will get to identify the impending threat as real, and present available solutions based on existing standard operating procedures. This is just the basic function that a given physical security information management system is able to perform. In general, the system can be made to carry out a few other activities depending on how easily it can integrate with the available security systems in a given area.This makes the PSIM system a truly unique technology. Joseph works for ISM, a world pioneer in integrated security systems and the PSIM system. ISM are the UK's leading developer of integrated security management and, intercom and cell call systems. In his spare time he enjoys the finer things in life, including travelling and dining out.
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