Running along the fields and the woods, you will notice various species of butterflies. They also seem to be running and having fun enjoying life. However, some species seem more interesting than others. One of such species is the dragonfly. Interesting Facts about Dragonflies Some people fear the dragonfly because of its name. It is associated with evil in some settings. You cannot really blame the people who think of it in such lines because the butterfly combines some of the most unique characteristics in the world. For instance, it will change into various colors as the light reflects on it. Further, it has great speed and an interesting way of flying. Further, it seems to be the only butterfly species that can control insect population. It can also adapt to various environments and has the ability to find pure water. Better yet, you can just learn how to live and enjoy your life just by observing an adult dragon fly. Dragonflies are not scared of you or other animals. Rather, in their aggression to find food, you will be amazed to find them flying so close to you to the extent that you may be scared. They also have a very clear vision, thanks to their 30,000 ommatidia in their compound eyes. Interestingly, they can sense movements more than they can see. Further, they are gifted with powerful wings that enable them to fly fast against strong winds. All the characteristics enable dragonflies to feed well and thrive in many environments. Various cultures identify the dragon fly with different things. In the American culture, these insects depicted purity and change. Some people within the same culture saw them as the souls of the dead flying all over the world. However, in some cultures, the insects were valued for their ability to control the growth of yellow fever causing mosquitoes. Today, there are still some people who are afraid of the insects because of these myths. There is however nothing to be worried about since there are other species of plants and insects that have mysterious characteristics. Actually, if one was to look deeper, they will realize that nature in itself a mystery yet to be discovered. Rearing Butterflies in Your Home You can discover more about dragonflies by buying a butterfly kit and rearing it in your home. This can actually be a perfect gift for a child who loves to discover nature. You could find the eggs of butterflies and provide the right environment for the dragonflies to grow well. The eggs will grow into caterpillars that will eat plants and other types of food for a certain period. The caterpillar then goes through a metamorphosis and become pupa. After a while, you will have a fully grown dragonfly in your home. You can opt to release the butterflies to the natural habitat. In the end, you or your children will have learnt so much about the dragonflies and hence enjoying life to the fullest- just like the adult dragonflies. Resource Box You can easily rear dragonfly in your home by purchasing butterfly kit . These kits are supplied by various online vendors. It is wise to find displays that rhyme with your home’s theme so that it will not look out of place once it is placed indoors or in the outdoor setting.
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Dragonfly, butterfly kit,