Buckminsterfullerene also as Buckyballs in short could be the answer that people have been looking for centuries. Buckyballs is a molecule of carbon in the shape of a soccer ball. In mid 2012 a study came out that astounded longevity scientists and anti-aging enthusiasts. The study was to determine the toxicity of buckyballs. In addition to finding no toxicity in rats, they found their specimens lived remarkably longer. This is something that has left longevity scientists and anti-aging enthusiasts stumped. There are many who feel that C60 mixed with pure olive oil is that form in which humans can intake this and this will help humans live a longer and healthier life. Of course this mixture does not have approval from the FDA and currently there are a select few people who are involved in auto-experiment of C60. This means that they are self experimenting on themselves and then over the years they will document their experience and whether at all this has helped them live longer and remain healthier at an old age. In the meantime cosmetic and health product companies are eagerly awaiting the lab reports. There are surely cosmetic giants and health supplement companies that are pouring in money into medical lab companies that would conduct tests for them to find a way on how they can add this molecule of carbon into their products and then start selling products to the masses. Similarly health and nutrition companies too would be pouring in money into research labs or creating a new division in their own research labs to see how they can add a dosage or a formula into their health supplements and then sell it. Longevity and anti-aging is without a doubt a multi-million dollar industry and there are already cosmetic companies selling anti-wrinkle creams, gels and what not. How effective these are is still not factually known but for sure C60 Olive Oil is the next big thing that is going to shape the future of aging process and how humans tackle this process. This is not just exciting for these cosmetic and health supplement companies but it holds a lot of promise for humans in general. Aging is something that many of us fear and we’d all like to have some product, supplement or anything that can help us counter aging signs and keep us healthier for a longer period than what experience today. Certainly its not just wrinkles that worry us when aging, people also would like to be in good health at old age so that they can continue to enjoy life for a longer time as in their prime. Let’s all hope that C60 Olive Oil is able to answer what we have always been seeking. About the author: The article is penned by Richard who has written various articles on health and beauty. He is currently writing content on topics related to anti-aging and longevity. C60 olive oil is touted to being the next big thing in terms of longevity and if you too are curious about this product then buckylabs.com is a good resource. The company makes high quality Carbon 60 Olive Oil Solution.
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