When you’re researching further education institutions in your college years or even earlier, many people won’t think about the fact that they’re not limited in anyway. You don’t have to study in your own country, you don’t have to study something which you have specifically done in the past (careers in medicine might seem far removed from your college level biology courses, however these can actually put you in great stead), and you don’t have to do something because your teachers or parents are encouraging it. The university education system is worldwide, and so the world is very much your oyster – don’t limit yourself to your local establishment just because that is what everyone expects of you, or because it is the easier option. IELTS courses exist to give you a chance at studying at an institution in a different country, and learn in a different language. With all this available to you, why would you settle for anything less than your own personal perfect? Courses in England are hugely appealing to many foreign students, which means they’re also highly competitive. By choosing one of these universities you will be giving yourself valuable skills both for the everyday and in your chosen career. You will be able to learn within a really diverse culture which is completely different from your own, as well as meeting lots of new and interesting people from all over the world. The standard of academia is often considered some of the highest in the world, which means your degree will hold weight wherever you go. You might even have the chance to take a year in industry, and gain work experience while you’re still studying. Not only are the courses you can study interesting, the UK is also a really interesting place to live, with lots of different cultures and hundreds of languages spoken. In London, there are more than 300 languages spoken in total by schoolchildren. This mix of the cosmopolitan and rural isn’t uncommon in Europe, but the strong transportation links and the rich history can make it a really appealing choice. In order to study in the UK, it’s important that you have a comparable level of English, and through IELTS courses you will be able to prove it. IELTS courses are designed for those who are looking to take IELTS – an internationally recognised standard of academic language, necessary for study in most UK universities. IELTS courses can be taken anywhere in the world to help prepare you. It’s highly recommended that you take the course before attempting the examinations, as the specifically academic style can quite different to anything you already know. Joseph works for New College Manchester, a school that specialises in English language courses and IELTS courses. In his spare time he has a passion for travelling and blogging.
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