There is no doubt that when you speak to the average person about luxury, they will bring up a few distinct items, and will almost definitely have an opinion about each. Small arguments ensue, until the next luxury item: the luxury home. "A luxury home has more than three bathrooms, and a garage that can hold all of your luxury cars." Someone may require a scenic location for the home, more bedrooms, and more disagreement. Yet nobody will disagree about the luxury of an item we use every, single day. The mattress. To some degree, every individual is a mattress expert. But what most people don't know is the history behind the mattress, the work our ancestors have done to present us with the most luxurious item imaginable. Years ago, mattresses were anything but luxury, to say the least. As early as the New Stone Age, beginning around 10,200 BC, human beings were found to scrap together items like leaves and grass, stuff them underneath an animal skin, and enjoy sleep barely off the floor. About 800 years later, Egyptian pharaohs and elite set their beds on top of pallets, to get off the ground and away from the draft, bugs, and other pests. Humans started to get creative quickly about their sleeping conditions. Throughout the history of the Roman empire, people managed to create the first water bed, while others found more comfortable stuffing such as hay, wool, and if they could afford it, feathers. By the time the 1700s came around, people began stuffing silk material with straw and down, until cotton became the mattress-stuffing staple. It was not until the 1870s that the first coil spring version would be used, and this became the staple in many homes throughout the next fifty years across the world. And as people started becoming truly comfortable with their sleeping status, creativity followed with the invention of the futon in the 1930s, the airbed in the 1940s, and the luxury of true water beds, adjustable mattresses, and the King. It was not until the 1990s that the queen size model was actually out-purchased by the twin. You will see that we have come a long way from considering leaves and straw mattresses centuries ago. We know that even one night's sleep in a sub-standard mattress brings about many aches and pains; who knows what kind of innovation could have occurred with a better night's sleep in the 1600s. So the next time you are down on yourself for not being able to afford the latest Jaguar convertible "luxury" car, know that you are at least enjoying the true important luxury- a wonderful night's sleep. When shopping for a mattress, Chambersburg, PA residents head to Colony House Furniture. Learn more at
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