For business owners, setting up a new office can be incredibly exciting. Usually this will be when the business has already got started, and you’re getting to the stage when you can start to hire some staff. It’s a big step, and you’re going to want to get it right. Of course, moving to new offices is still an issue for big established businesses. There’s often many more people to think about, and you’re going to want the transition to be as smooth as possible. Moving furniture over a weekend is a good way to transport your existing work stations, but this can often be a really good time to consider upgrading your desks and acquiring an ergonomic office chair for all of your staff. 1) Set a budget Don’t get carried away! Office furniture doesn’t come cheap. You will need to calculate just how many workstations you’re going to want (and leave room for extras if you’re planning on hiring more staff in the near future). This will give you a good estimate on how much you have to spend on each station, and then you can look into suppliers. Remember, if you don’t have the funds to buy everyone a brand new desk, an ergonomic office chair will be a great starting point – the desks can wait as long as there is something your staff can utilise in the mean time! 2) Space Laying out your new office is often a case of trial and error, but before you hire or buy you should take along a newspaper to a viewing. We’re not suggesting you look bored in order to lower the costs, instead, work out how many sheets of paper each of your desks take up and then lay them out on the floor. You’ll get a much better idea of how much you can fit in if you can actually visualise it, as spaces look much larger when they are empty. 3) Comfort You are buying this furniture for your staff, and not because it looks snazzy (although that will be a bonus). Speak to them while you make this transition about whether they would prefer cubicles or an open plan space. An ergonomic office chair will help give this comfort as well, and give a great boost to workplace morale. 4) Desks and chairs Select desks and ergonomic office chairs for employees which they can sit at comfortably for the majority of the week. They will need plenty of room, and they’ll need to be able to do their job. Depending on their role you might consider different desks for individuals. Joseph works for Norwich based Lockwood Hume. They offer a huge range of office furniture (such as the ergonomic office chair) and office supplies - providing stationary and furniture for home offices, corporate businesses and retail environments.
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